Notice Title

Notice Under the Public and Community Housing Management Act 1992

Pursuant to section 102(9) of the Public and Community Housing Management Act 1992 (“Act”), notice is given of the making of the following instrument by the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Housing, and the Minister for Social Development.

Authority for Instrument Title or Subject Matter Date of Enactment

Public and Community Housing Management Act 1992, section 102(2)

Ministerial Direction – Social Housing Amendments 2020


A copy of the instrument is available for free at:

This instrument, which comes into effect on 2 November 2020, amends the Ministerial Direction on Eligibility for Social Housing and the Ministerial Direction on Continued Eligibility for Social Housing to expand the categories of people who meet the residential qualification tests that apply under each direction. It also updates references to statutes that have been amended or replaced.

The instrument is a disallowable instrument for the purposes of the Legislation Act 2012 and is administered by the Ministry for Social Development.

Dated this 11th day of August 2020.

Hon CARMEL SEPULONI, Minister for Social Development.