National Policy Statement For Freshwater Management 2020
Dame PATSY REDDY, Governor-General
Order in Council
At Wellington this 3rd day of August 2020
Her Excellency the Governor-General in Council
Pursuant to section 52(2) of the Resource Management Act 1991, Her Excellency the Governor-General, acting on the advice and with the consent of the Executive Council and on the recommendation of the Minister for the Environment (having satisfied the requirements of that Act), approves the following national policy statement. The National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2014, New Zealand Gazette, 4 July 2014, No. 71, page 1991, is revoked with effect from the date of entry into effect of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020.
(1) This is the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020.
(1) This National Policy Statement comes into force on 3 September 2020.
(2) See Part 4 for provisions about the timing of the implementation of this National Policy Statement.
(1) Te Mana o te Wai is a concept that refers to the fundamental importance of water and recognises that protecting the health of freshwater protects the health and well-being of the wider environment. It protects the mauri of the wai. Te Mana o te Wai is about restoring and preserving the balance between the water, the wider environment, and the community.
(2) Te Mana o te Wai is relevant to all freshwater management and not just to the specific aspects of freshwater management referred to in this National Policy Statement.
(3) Te Mana o te Wai encompasses 6 principles relating to the roles of tangata whenua and other New Zealanders in the management of freshwater, and these principles inform this National Policy Statement and its implementation.
(4) The six principles are:
(5) There is a hierarchy of obligations in Te Mana o te Wai that prioritises:
(1) In this National Policy Statement:
Act means the Resource Management Act 1991
attribute means a measurable characteristic (numeric, narrative, or both) that can be used to assess the extent to which a particular value is provided for
baseline state, in relation to an attribute, means the best state out of the following:
commencement date means the date on which this National Policy Statement comes into force
compulsory value means the 4 values described in Appendix 1A, being: ecosystem health, human contact, mahinga kai, and threatened species
degraded, in relation to an FMU or part of an FMU, means that as a result of something other than a naturally occurring process:
degrading, in relation to an FMU or part of an FMU, means that any site or sites to which a target attribute state applies is experiencing, or is likely to experience, a deteriorating trend (as assessed under clause 3.19)
environmental outcome means, in relation to a value that applies to an FMU or part of an FMU, a desired outcome that a regional council identifies and then includes as an objective in its regional plan(s) (see clause 3.9)
Freshwater management unit, or FMU, means all or any part of a water body or water bodies, and their related catchments, that a regional council determines under clause 3.8 is an appropriate unit for freshwater management and accounting purposes; and part of an FMU means any part of an FMU including, but not limited to, a specific site, river reach, water body, or part of a water body
kaitiakitanga has the meaning given in the Act but includes the principle referred to in clause 1.3(4)(b)
limit means either a limit on resource use or a take limit
limit on resource use means the maximum amount of a resource use that is permissible while still achieving a relevant target attribute state (see clauses 3.12 and 3.14)
long-term vision means a long-term vision developed under clause 3.3 and included as an objective in a regional policy statement
Māori freshwater values means the compulsory value of mahinga kai and any other value (whether or not identified in Appendix 1A or 1B) identified for a particular FMU or part of an FMU through collaboration between tangata whenua and the relevant regional council
national bottom line means an attribute state identified as such in Appendix 2A or 2B
naturally occurring process means a process that occurs, or would occur, in the absence of human activity
natural inland wetland has the meaning in clause 3.21
National Objectives Framework, or NOF, means the framework for managing freshwater as described in subpart 2 of Part 3
outstanding water body means a water body, or part of a water body, identified in a regional policy statement, a regional plan, or a water conservation order as having one or more outstanding values
over-allocation, in relation to both the quantity and quality of freshwater, is the situation where:
primary contact site means a site identified by a regional council that it considers is regularly used, or would be regularly used but for existing freshwater quality, for recreational activities such as swimming, paddling, boating, or watersports, and particularly for activities where there is a high likelihood of water or water vapour being ingested or inhaled
publish, in relation to an obligation on a local authority to publish material, means to make the material freely available to the public on the local authority’s internet website or another web-based platform
receiving environment includes, but is not limited to, any water body (such as a river, lake, wetland or aquifer) and the coastal marine area (including estuaries)
take limit means a limit on the amount of water that can be taken from an FMU or part of an FMU, as set under clause 3.17
Te Mana o te Wai has the meaning set out in clause 1.3
threatened species means any indigenous species of flora or fauna that:
(2) Terms defined in the Act and used in this National Policy Statement have the meanings in the Act, except as otherwise specified.
(1) This National Policy Statement applies to all freshwater (including groundwater) and, to the extent they are affected by freshwater, to receiving environments (which may include estuaries and the wider coastal marine area).
(1) A requirement in this National Policy Statement to use the best information available at the time is a requirement to use, if practicable, complete and scientifically robust data.
(2) In the absence of complete and scientifically robust data, the best information may include information obtained from modelling, as well as partial data, local knowledge, and information obtained from other sources, but in this case local authorities must:
(3) A person who is required to use the best information available at the time:
(1) The changes to regional policy statements and regional plans required by the following provisions of this National Policy Statement are amendments referred to in section 55(2) of the Act (which, because of section 55(2A) of the Act, means that the changes must be made without using a process in Schedule 1 of the Act):
(2) See clause 4.3(3) about changes that merely update wording or terminology.
(1) Clause 2(1) of Schedule 1AA of the Act does not apply to any material incorporated by reference in this National Policy Statement.
(2) All material incorporated by reference in this National Policy Statement is available at:
The objective of this National Policy Statement is to ensure that natural and physical resources are managed in a way that prioritises:
Policy 1: Freshwater is managed in a way that gives effect to Te Mana o te Wai.
Policy 2: Tangata whenua are actively involved in freshwater management (including decision-making processes), and Māori freshwater values are identified and provided for.
Policy 3: Freshwater is managed in an integrated way that considers the effects of the use and development of land on a whole-of-catchment basis, including the effects on receiving environments.
Policy 4: Freshwater is managed as part of New Zealand’s integrated response to climate change.
Policy 5: Freshwater is managed through a National Objectives Framework to ensure that the health and well-being of degraded water bodies and freshwater ecosystems is improved, and the health and well-being of all other water bodies and freshwater ecosystems is maintained and (if communities choose) improved.
Policy 6: There is no further loss of extent of natural inland wetlands, their values are protected, and their restoration is promoted.
Policy 7: The loss of river extent and values is avoided to the extent practicable.
Policy 8: The significant values of outstanding water bodies are protected.
Policy 9: The habitats of indigenous freshwater species are protected.
Policy 10: The habitat of trout and salmon is protected, insofar as this is consistent with Policy 9.
Policy 11: Freshwater is allocated and used efficiently, all existing over-allocation is phased out, and future over-allocation is avoided.
Policy 12: The national target (as set out in Appendix 3) for water quality improvement is achieved.
Policy 13: The condition of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems is systematically monitored over time, and action is taken where freshwater is degraded, and to reverse deteriorating trends.
Policy 14: Information (including monitoring data) about the state of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems, and the challenges to their health and well-being, is regularly reported on and published.
Policy 15: Communities are enabled to provide for their social, economic, and cultural well-being in a way that is consistent with this National Policy Statement.
(1) This Part sets out a non-exhaustive list of things that local authorities must do to give effect to the objective and policies in Part 2 of this National Policy Statement, but nothing in Part 3 limits the general obligation under the Act to give effect to the objective and policies in Part 2 of this National Policy Statement.
(2) Nothing in this Part:
(3) In this Part:
(1) Every regional council must engage with communities and tangata whenua to determine how Te Mana o te Wai applies to water bodies and freshwater ecosystems in the region.
(2) Every regional council must give effect to Te Mana o te Wai, and in doing so must:
(3) Every regional council must include an objective in its regional policy statement that describes how the management of freshwater in the region will give effect to Te Mana o te Wai.
(4) In addition to subclauses (1) to (3), Te Mana o te Wai must inform the interpretation of:
(1) Every regional council must develop long-term visions for freshwater in its region and include those long-term visions as objectives in its regional policy statement.
(2) Long-term visions:
(3) Every long-term vision must:
(4) Every regional council must assess whether each FMU, part of an FMU, or catchment (as relevant) can provide for its long-term vision, or whether improvement to the health and well-being of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems is required to achieve the vision.
(1) Every local authority must actively involve tangata whenua (to the extent they wish to be involved) in freshwater management (including decision-making processes), including in all the following:
(2) In particular, and without limiting subclause (1), for the purpose of implementing the NOF, every regional council must work collaboratively with, and enable, tangata whenua to:
(3) Every regional council must work with tangata whenua to investigate the use of mechanisms available under the Act, to involve tangata whenua in freshwater management, such as:
(4) To avoid doubt, nothing in this National Policy Statement permits or requires a local authority to act in a manner that is, or make decisions that are, inconsistent with any relevant iwi participation legislation or any directions or visions under that legislation.
(1) Adopting an integrated approach, ki uta ki tai, as required by Te Mana o te Wai, requires that local authorities must:
(2) Every regional council must make or change its regional policy statement to the extent needed to provide for the integrated management of the effects of:
(3) In order to give effect to this National Policy Statement, local authorities that share jurisdiction over a catchment must co-operate in the integrated management of the effects of land use and development on freshwater.
(4) Every territorial authority must include objectives, policies, and methods in its district plan to promote positive effects, and avoid, remedy, or mitigate adverse effects (including cumulative effects), of urban development on the health and well-being of water bodies, freshwater ecosystems, and receiving environments.
(1) This clause applies to decisions by regional councils relating to:
(2) Every regional council must make decisions, record matters considered and the reasons for decisions reached, and publish this as soon as practicable after a decision is reached, unless publication would be contrary to any other legal obligation.
(3) In this clause, decision includes a decision not to decide on, or to postpone deciding, any substantive issue and, in relation to decisions about mechanisms to involve tangata whenua in freshwater management, includes a decision to use or not use a mechanism.
(1) At each step of the NOF process, every regional council must:
(2) By way of summary, the NOF process requires regional councils to undertake the following steps:
(3) The NOF also requires that regional councils:
(1) Every regional council must identify FMUs for its region.
(2) Every water body in the region must be located within at least one FMU.
(3) Every regional council must also identify the following (if present) within each FMU:
(4) Monitoring sites for an FMU must be located at sites that are either or both of the following:
(5) Monitoring sites relating to Māori freshwater values:
(1) The compulsory values listed in Appendix 1A apply to every FMU, and the requirements in this subpart relating to values apply to each of the five biophysical components of the value Ecosystem health.
(2) A regional council may identify other values applying to an FMU or part of an FMU, and must in every case consider whether the values listed in Appendix 1B apply.
(3) The regional council must identify an environmental outcome for every value that applies to an FMU or part of an FMU.
(4) The regional council must include the environmental outcomes as an objective, or multiple objectives, in its regional plan(s).
(5) The environmental outcomes must:
(1) For each value that applies to an FMU or part of an FMU, the regional council:
(2) Any attribute identified by a regional council under subclause (1)(b) or (c) must be specific and, where practicable, be able to be assessed in numeric terms.
(3) Every regional council must identify the baseline state of each attribute, using the best information available at the time.
(4) Attribute states and baseline states may be expressed in a way that accounts for natural variability and sampling error.
(1) In order to achieve the environmental outcomes included as objectives under clause 3.9, every regional council must:
(2) The target attribute state for every value with attributes (except the value human contact) must be set at or above the baseline state of that attribute.
(3) The target attribute state for the value human contact must be set above the baseline state of that attribute, unless the baseline state is already within the A band of Tables 9 or 10 in Appendix 2A, as applicable.
(4) Despite subclauses (2) and (3), if the baseline state of an attribute is below any national bottom line for that attribute, the target attribute state must be set at or above the national bottom line (see clauses 3.31, 3.32, and 3.33 for exceptions to this).
(5) Every target attribute state must:
(6) Timeframes for achieving target attribute states may be of any length or period but, if timeframes are long term:
(7) Every regional council must ensure that target attribute states are set in such a way that they will achieve the environmental outcomes for the relevant values, and the relevant long-term vision.
(8) When setting target attribute states, every regional council must:
(1) In order to achieve the target attribute states for the attributes in Appendix 2A, every regional council:
(2) In order to achieve the target attribute states for the attributes in Appendix 2B, every regional council:
(3) In order to achieve any other target attribute state or otherwise support the achievement of environmental outcomes, a regional council must do at least one of the following:
(4) Where the same attribute provides for more than one value, it is the most stringent target attribute state applying to those values that must be achieved.
(1) To achieve a target attribute state for periphyton, any other nutrient attribute, and any attribute that is affected by nutrients, every regional council must, at a minimum, set appropriate instream concentrations and exceedance criteria for dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP).
(2) Where there are nutrient-sensitive downstream receiving environments, instream concentrations and exceedance criteria for DIN and DRP must be set for the upstream contributing water bodies to achieve the environmental outcomes sought for the downstream receiving environments.
(3) In order to determine instream concentrations and exceedance criteria for DIN and DRP, for upstream contributing water bodies, every regional council must apply the following process, in the order given:
(4) Examples of attributes affected by nutrients include dissolved oxygen (Appendix 2A, Table 7 and Appendix 2B, Tables 17, 18, and 19), submerged plants (invasive species) (Appendix 2B, Table 12), fish (rivers) (Appendix 2B, Table 13), macroinvertebrates (Appendix 2B, Tables 14 and 15), and ecosystem metabolism (Appendix 2B, Table 21).
(1) Limits on resource use may:
(2) In setting limits on resource use, every regional council must:
(3) Limits on resource use must ensure that the instream concentrations and instream nitrogen and phosphorus exceedance criteria determined under clause 3.13 are achieved.
(1) Action plans prepared for the purpose of this National Policy Statement may:
(2) An action plan may describe both regulatory measures (such as proposals to amend regional policy statements and plans, and actions taken under the Biosecurity Act 1993 or other legislation) and non-regulatory measures (such as work plans and partnership arrangements with tangata whenua and community groups).
(3) If an action plan is prepared for the purpose of achieving a specific target attribute state or otherwise supporting the achievement of environmental outcomes it must:
(4) Action plans:
(5) Before preparing an action plan, or amending an action plan other than in a minor way, the regional council must consult with communities and tangata whenua.
(6) Every action plan, or part of an action plan, prepared for the purpose of this National Policy Statement must be reviewed within 5 years after the action plan or part of the action plan is published.
(1) Every regional council must include rules in its regional plan(s) that set environmental flows and levels for each FMU, and may set different flows and levels for different parts of an FMU.
(2) Environmental flows and levels:
(3) Environmental flows and levels must be expressed in terms of the water level and flow rate, and may include variability of flow (as appropriate to the water body) at which:
(4) When setting environmental flows and levels, every regional council must:
(1) In order to meet environmental flows and levels, every regional council:
(2) Take limits must be expressed as a total volume, a total rate, or both a total volume and a total rate, at which water may be:
(3) Where a regional plan or any resource consent allows the taking, damming, diversion or discharge of water, the plan or resource consent must identify the flows and levels at which:
(4) Take limits must be identified that:
(1) Every regional council must establish methods for monitoring progress towards achieving target attributes states and environmental outcomes.
(2) The methods must include measures of:
(3) Monitoring methods must recognise the importance of long-term trends, and the relationship between results and their contribution to evaluating progress towards achieving long-term visions and environmental outcomes for FMUs and parts of FMUs.
(1) In order to assess trends in attribute states (that is, whether improving or deteriorating), every regional council must:
(2) If a deteriorating trend is more likely than not, the regional council must:
(3) If a deteriorating trend that is the result of something other than a naturally occurring process is detected, any part of an FMU to which the attribute applies is degrading and clause 3.20 applies.
(4) If a trend assessment cannot identify a trend because of insufficient monitoring, the regional council must make any practicable changes to the monitoring regime that will or are likely to help detect trends in that attribute state.
(1) If a regional council detects that an FMU or part of an FMU is degraded or degrading, it must, as soon as practicable, take action to halt or reverse the degradation (for example, by making or changing a regional plan, or preparing an action plan).
(2) Any action taken in response to a deteriorating trend must be proportionate to the likelihood and magnitude of the trend, the risk of adverse effects on the environment, and the risk of not achieving target attribute states.
(3) Every action plan prepared under this clause must include actions to identify the causes of the deterioration, methods to address those causes, and an evaluation of the effectiveness of the methods.
(1) In clauses 3.21 to 3.24:
effects management hierarchy, in relation to natural inland wetlands and rivers, means an approach to managing the adverse effects of an activity on the extent or values of a wetland or river (including cumulative effects and loss of potential value) that requires that:
functional need means the need for a proposal or activity to traverse, locate or operate in a particular environment because the activity can only occur in that environment
improved pasture means an area of land where exotic pasture species have been deliberately sown or maintained for the purpose of pasture production, and species composition and growth has been modified and is being managed for livestock grazing
loss of value, in relation to a natural inland wetland or river, means the wetland or river is less able to provide for the following existing or potential values:
natural wetland means a wetland (as defined in the Act) that is not:
natural inland wetland means a natural wetland that is not in the coastal marine area
specified infrastructure means any of the following:
restoration, in relation to a natural inland wetland, means active intervention and management, appropriate to the type and location of the wetland, aimed at restoring its ecosystem health, indigenous biodiversity, or hydrological functioning.
(2) For the purpose of the definition of effects management hierarchy:
aquatic compensation means a conservation outcome resulting from actions that are intended to compensate for any more than minor residual adverse effects on a wetland or river after all appropriate avoidance, minimisation, remediation, and aquatic offset measures have been sequentially applied
aquatic offset means a measurable conservation outcome resulting from actions that are intended to:
(1) Every regional council must include the following policy (or words to the same effect) in its regional plan(s):
“The loss of extent of natural inland wetlands is avoided, their values are protected, and their restoration is promoted, except where:
(2) Subclause (3) applies to an application for a consent for an activity:
(3) Every regional council must make or change its regional plan(s) to ensure that an application referred to in subclause (2) is not granted unless:
(4) Every regional council must make or change its regional plan(s) to include objectives, policies, and methods that provide for and promote the restoration of natural inland wetlands in its region, with a particular focus on restoring the values of ecosystem health, indigenous biodiversity, hydrological functioning, Māori freshwater values, and amenity value.
(1) Every regional council must identify and map every natural inland wetland in its region that is:
(2) However, a regional council need not identify and map natural inland wetlands located in public conservation lands or waters (as that term is defined in the Conservation General Policy 2005 issued under the Conservation Act 1987).
(3) In case of uncertainty or dispute about the existence or extent of a natural inland wetland, a regional council must have regard to the Wetland delineation protocols (see clause 1.8).
(4) The mapping of natural inland wetlands must be completed within 10 years of the commencement date, and the regional council must prioritise its mapping, for example by:
(5) Every regional council must establish and maintain an inventory of all natural inland wetlands mapped under this clause, and the inventory:
(6) Every regional council must:
(1) Every regional council must include the following policy (or words to the same effect) in its regional plan(s):
“The loss of river extent and values is avoided, unless the council is satisfied:
(2) Subclause (3) applies to an application for a consent for an activity:
(3) Every regional council must make or change its regional plan(s) to ensure that an application referred to in subclause (2) is not granted unless:
(4) Every regional council must:
(1) If a site to which a target attribute state for deposited fine sediment applies (see Table 16 in Appendix 2B) is soft-bottomed, the regional council must determine whether the site is naturally soft-bottomed or is naturally hard-bottomed.
(2) If a regional council determines that a site that is currently soft-bottomed is naturally hard-bottomed, the council must:
(3) In this clause:
soft-bottomed means a site where the bed has a greater than 50% coverage of deposited fine sediment (grain size less than 2 mm in diameter) as determined using the SAM2 method
hard-bottomed means a site that is not soft-bottomed
naturally, in relation to a site, means its state before the arrival of humans in New Zealand
SAM2 method means the method described at p 17 – 20 of Clapcott JE, Young RG, Harding JS, Matthaei CD, Quinn JM, and Death RG. 2011. Sediment Assessment Methods: Protocols and guidelines for assessing the effects of deposited fine sediment on in-stream values. Cawthron Institute: Nelson, New Zealand (see clause 1.8).
(1) Every regional council must include the following fish passage objective (or words to the same effect) in its regional plan(s):
“The passage of fish is maintained, or is improved, by instream structures, except where it is desirable to prevent the passage of some fish species in order to protect desired fish species, their life stages, or their habitats.”
(2) Every regional council must make or change its regional plan(s) to include policies that:
(3) When developing the policies required by subclause (2) a regional council must:
(4) Every regional council must make or change its regional plan(s) to require that regard is had to at least the following when considering an application for a consent relating to an instream structure:
(5) Every regional council must make or change its regional plan(s) to promote the remediation of existing structures and the provision of fish passage (other than for undesirable fish species) where practicable.
(6) Every regional council must prepare an action plan to support the achievement of the fish passage objective in subclause (1), and the action plan must, at a minimum:
(7) The work programme in an action plan must, at a minimum:
(8) An action plan for fish passage may be part of, or separate from, an action plan prepared for any purpose under this Part, but clause 3.15, about preparing action plans, applies in either case.
(1) Every regional council must monitor primary contact sites for:
(2) For every primary contact site in an FMU, the regional council must identify one or more monitoring sites representative of the primary contact site or a number of primary contact sites.
(3) Every regional council must identify, for each primary contact site in its region, a time period (a bathing season) during the year when the regional council considers that the site is regularly used, or would be regularly used but for existing freshwater quality, for recreational activities.
(4) During the bathing season for primary contact sites, every regional council must undertake weekly sampling for E. coli at each relevant monitoring site.
(5) However, if a single sample taken during the bathing season from a monitoring site is greater than 260 E. coli per 100 mL, the regional council must (unless the council is satisfied that the elevated result is temporary or the cause is being addressed):
(6) If a single sample from a monitoring site is greater than 540 E. coli per 100 mL, the regional council must, as soon as practicable, take all practicable steps to notify the public and keep the public informed that the site is unsuitable for primary contact, until further sampling shows a result of 540 E. coli per 100 mL or less.
(7) A regional council may comply with subclause (6) by, for example, erecting signs and publicising the situation, or liaising with an environmental health officer or other relevant body or person to co-ordinate how to inform the public about the situation.
(1) Every regional council must make or change its regional plan(s) to include criteria for:
(2) Every regional council must include methods in its regional plan(s) to encourage the efficient use of water.
(1) Every regional council must operate and maintain, for every FMU:
(2) The purpose of the accounting systems is to provide the baseline information required:
(3) The accounting systems must be maintained at a level of detail commensurate with the significance of the water quality or quantity issues applicable to each FMU or part of an FMU.
(4) Every regional council must publish information from those systems regularly and in a suitable form.
(5) The freshwater quality accounting system must (where practicable) record, aggregate, and regularly update, for each FMU, information on the measured, modelled, or estimated:
(6) The freshwater quantity accounting system must record, aggregate, and regularly update, for each FMU, information on the measured, modelled, or estimated:
(7) In this clause, freshwater take refers to all takes and forms of water consumption, whether metered or not, whether subject to a consent or not, and whether authorised or not.
(1) Every regional council must publish the following annually:
(2) As part of each review required by section 35(2A) of the Act (which is required at least every five years), every regional council must prepare and publish the following:
(3) At the same time that a regional council publishes the review required by section 35(2A) of the Act, the regional council must publish an ecosystem health scorecard that:
(4) The ecosystem health scorecard must:
(1) This clause applies to the following 5 hydro-electricity generation schemes (referred to as Schemes):
(2) When implementing any part of this National Policy Statement as it applies to an FMU or part of an FMU affected by a Scheme, a regional council must have regard to the importance of the Scheme’s:
(3) Subclause (4) applies if:
(4) When this subclause applies, the regional council:
(5) In this clause, existing structure means a structure that was operational on or before 1 August 2019, and includes any structure that replaces it, provided the effects of the replacement are the same or similar in character, intensity and scale, or have a lesser impact.
(1) If all or part of a water body is affected by naturally occurring processes that mean that the current state is below the national bottom line, and a target attribute state at or above the national bottom line cannot be achieved, the regional council:
(2) In any dispute about whether this exception should apply, the onus is on the relevant regional council to demonstrate that it is naturally occurring processes that prevents the national bottom line being achieved.
(1) This clause applies only to the 2 specified vegetable growing areas identified in Part 1 of Appendix 5.
(2) When implementing any part of this National Policy Statement as it applies to an FMU or part of an FMU that is in, or includes, all or part of a specified vegetable growing area, a regional council must have regard to the importance of the contribution of the specified growing area to:
(3) Subclause (4) applies if:
(4) When this subclause applies, the regional council:
(5) When implementing clauses 3.12 to 3.14 in relation to FMUs that include all or part of a specified vegetable growing area, a regional council must ensure that vegetable growers in the area are not exempt from any requirements (such as in limits, action plans, and conditions on resource consents) aimed at achieving target attribute states.
(6) This clause ceases to apply to a specified vegetable growing area on the earlier of the following dates:
(1) Every local authority must give effect to this National Policy Statement as soon as reasonably practicable.
(2) Local authorities must publicly notify any changes to their regional policy statements, regional plans, and district plans that are necessary to give effect to this National Policy Statement as required under the Act.
(1) Once a local authority has made the changes required by clause 4.1, it must continue to make whatever changes to its regional policy statement, regional plan, or district plan are necessary to respond to changes over time in the state of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems in its region or district.
(1) To the extent that regional policy statements and regional and district plans already (at the commencement date) give effect to this National Policy Statement, local authorities are not obliged to make changes to wording or terminology merely for consistency with it.
(2) In case of dispute, the onus is on the local authority to show that, despite the different wording or terminology used, their policy statement or plan does implement this National Policy Statement.
(3) However, if a local authority chooses to amend an operative policy statement or plan by merely changing wording or terminology for consistency with this National Policy Statement, the amendment is to be treated as the correction of a minor error (and therefore, under clause 20A of Schedule 1 of the Act, the amendment can be made without using a process in that Schedule).
1 Ecosystem Health
This refers to the extent to which an FMU or part of an FMU supports an ecosystem appropriate to the type of water body (for example, river, lake, wetland, or aquifer).
There are 5 biophysical components that contribute to freshwater ecosystem health, and it is necessary that all of them are managed. They are:
Water quality – the physical and chemical measures of the water, such as temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, suspended sediment, nutrients and toxicants
Water quantity – the extent and variability in the level or flow of water
Habitat – the physical form, structure, and extent of the water body, its bed, banks and margins; its riparian vegetation; and its connections to the floodplain and to groundwater
Aquatic life – the abundance and diversity of biota including microbes, invertebrates, plants, fish and birds
Ecological processes – the interactions among biota and their physical and chemical environment such as primary production, decomposition, nutrient cycling and trophic connectivity.
In a healthy freshwater ecosystem, all 5 biophysical components are suitable to sustain the indigenous aquatic life expected in the absence of human disturbance or alteration (before providing for other values).
2 Human Contact
This refers to the extent to which an FMU or part of an FMU supports people being able to connect with the water through a range of activities such as swimming, waka, boating, fishing, mahinga kai, and water skiing, in a range of different flows or levels.
Matters to take into account include pathogens, water clarity, deposited sediment, plant growth (from macrophytes to periphyton to phytoplankton), cyanobacteria, other toxicants, and litter.
3 Threatened Species
This refers to the extent to which an FMU or part of an FMU that supports a population of threatened species has the critical habitats and conditions necessary to support the presence, abundance, survival, and recovery of the threatened species. All the components of ecosystem health must be managed, as well as (if appropriate) specialised habitat or conditions needed for only part of the life cycle of the threatened species.
4 Mahinga Kai
Mahinga kai – kai is safe to harvest and eat.
Mahinga kai generally refers to freshwater species that have traditionally been used as food, tools, or other resources. It also refers to the places those species are found and to the act of catching or harvesting them. Mahinga kai provide food for the people of the rohe and these sites give an indication of the overall health of the water. For this value, kai would be safe to harvest and eat. Transfer of knowledge is able to occur about the preparation, storage and cooking of kai. In FMUs or parts of FMUs that are used for providing mahinga kai, the desired species are plentiful enough for long-term harvest and the range of desired species is present across all life stages.
Mahinga kai – Kei te ora te mauri (the mauri of the place is intact).
In FMUs or parts of FMUs that are valued for providing mahinga kai, customary resources are available for use, customary practices are able to be exercised to the extent desired, and tikanga and preferred methods are able to be practised.
1 Natural Form and Character
The FMU or part of the FMU has particular natural qualities that people value. Natural qualities may include exceptional, natural, or iconic aesthetic features.
Matters contributing to the natural form and character of an FMU are its biological, visual and physical characteristics that are valued by the community, including:
2 Drinking Water Supply
The FMU or part of the FMU can meet people’s drinking water needs. Water quality and quantity is sufficient for water to be taken and used for drinking water supply.
Matters affecting the suitability of water for drinking include:
3 Wai Tapu
Wai tapu represent the places in an FMU or part of an FMU where rituals and ceremonies are performed, or where there is special significance to tangata whenua.
Rituals and ceremonies include, but are not limited to, tohi (baptism), karakia (prayer), waerea (protective incantation), whakatapu (placing of rāhui), whakanoa (removal of rāhui), and tuku iho (gifting of knowledge and resources to future generations).
In providing for this value, the wai tapu are free from human and animal waste, contaminants and excess sediment, with valued features and unique properties of the wai protected. Other matters that may be important are that there is no artificial mixing of the wai tapu and identified taonga in the wai are protected.
4 Transport and Tauranga Waka
The FMU or part of the FMU is navigable for identified means of transport.
Transport and tauranga waka generally refers to places to launch waka and water craft, and appropriate places for waka to land (tauranga waka).
5 Fishing
The FMU or part of the FMU supports fisheries of species allowed to be caught and eaten.
For FMUs or parts of FMUs valued for fishing, the numbers of fish are sufficient and suitable for human consumption. In some areas, fish abundance and diversity provide a range in species and size of fish, and algal growth, water clarity and safety are satisfactory for fishers. Attributes will need to be specific to fish species such as salmon, trout, tuna, lamprey, or whitebait.
6 Hydro-Electric Power Generation
The FMU or part of the FMU is suitable for hydro-electric power generation.
Water quality and quantity and the physical qualities of the FMU or part of the FMU, including hydraulic gradient and flow rate, can provide for hydro-electric power generation.
7 Animal Drinking Water
The FMU or part of the FMU meets the needs of farmed animals.
Water quality and quantity meets the needs of farmed animals, including whether it is palatable and safe.
8 Irrigation, Cultivation, and Production of Food and Beverages
The FMU or part of the FMU meets irrigation needs for any purpose.
Water quality and quantity is suitable for irrigation needs, including supporting the cultivation of food crops, the production of food from farmed animals, non-food crops such as fibre and timber, pasture, sports fields and recreational areas. Attributes will need to be specific to irrigation and food production requirements.
9 Commercial and Industrial Use
The FMU or part of the FMU provides economic opportunities for people, businesses and industries.
Water quality and quantity can provide for commercial and industrial activities. Attributes will need to be specific to commercial or industrial requirements.
Value (and component) | Ecosystem health (Aquatic Life) | |
Freshwater body type | Lakes | |
Attribute unit | mg chl-a/ m3 (milligrams chlorophyll-a per cubic metre) | |
Attribute band and description |
Numeric attribute state | |
Annual median | Annual maximum | |
A Lake ecological communities are healthy and resilient, similar to natural reference conditions. |
≤2 | ≤10 |
B Lake ecological communities are slightly impacted by additional algal and/or plant growth arising from nutrient levels that are elevated above natural reference conditions. |
>2 and ≤5 | >10 and ≤25 |
C Lake ecological communities are moderately impacted by additional algal and plant growth arising from nutrient levels that are elevated well above natural reference conditions. Reduced water clarity is likely to affect habitat available for native macrophytes. |
>5 and ≤12 | >25 and ≤60 |
National bottom line |
12 | 60 |
D Lake ecological communities have undergone or are at high risk of a regime shift to a persistent, degraded state (without native macrophyte/seagrass cover), due to impacts of elevated nutrients leading to excessive algal and/or plant growth, as well as from losing oxygen in bottom waters of deep lakes. |
>12 | >60 |
For lakes and lagoons that are intermittently open to the sea, monitoring data should be analysed separately for closed periods and open periods. |
Value (and component) | Ecosystem health (Aquatic Life) | |
Freshwater body type | Rivers | |
Attribute unit | mg chl-a/m2 (milligrams chlorophyll-a per square metre) | |
Attribute band and description |
Numeric attribute state (default class) | Numeric attribute state (productive class) |
Exceeded no more than 8% of samples | Exceeded no more than 17% of samples | |
A Rare blooms reflecting negligible nutrient enrichment and/or alteration of the natural flow regime or habitat. |
≤50 | ≤50 |
B Occasional blooms reflecting low nutrient enrichment and/or alteration of the natural flow regime or habitat. |
>50 and ≤120 | >50 and ≤120 |
C Periodic short-duration nuisance blooms reflecting moderate nutrient enrichment and/or moderate alteration of the natural flow regime or habitat. |
>120 and ≤200 | >120 and ≤200 |
National bottom line |
200 | 200 |
D Regular and/or extended-duration nuisance blooms reflecting high nutrient enrichment and/or significant alteration of the natural flow regime or habitat. |
>200 | >200 |
At low risk sites monitoring may be conducted using visual estimates of periphyton cover. Should monitoring based on visual cover estimates indicate that a site is approaching the relevant periphyton abundance threshold, monitoring should then be upgraded to include measurement of chlorophyll-a. Classes are streams and rivers defined according to types in the River Environment Classification (REC). The Productive periphyton class is defined by the combination of REC “Dry” Climate categories (that is, Warm-Dry (WD) and Cool-Dry (CD)) and REC Geology categories that have naturally high levels of nutrient enrichment due to their catchment geology (that is, Soft-Sedimentary (SS), Volcanic Acidic (VA) and Volcanic Basic (VB)). Therefore the productive category is defined by the following REC defined types: WD/SS, WD/VB, WD/VA, CD/SS, CD/VB, CD/VA. The Default class includes all REC types not in the Productive class. Based on a monthly monitoring regime. The minimum record length for grading a site based on periphyton (chlorophyll-a) is 3 years. |
Value (and component) | Ecosystem health (Water quality) | |
Freshwater body type | Lakes | |
Attribute unit | mg/m3 (milligrams per cubic metre) | |
Attribute band and description |
Numeric attribute state | |
Annual median | Annual median | |
Seasonally stratified and brackish | Polymictic | |
A Lake ecological communities are healthy and resilient, similar to natural reference conditions. |
≤160 | ≤300 |
B Lake ecological communities are slightly impacted by additional algal and/or plant growth arising from nutrient levels that are elevated above natural reference conditions. |
>160 and ≤350 | >300 and ≤500 |
C Lake ecological communities are moderately impacted by additional algal and plant growth arising from nutrient levels that are elevated well above natural reference conditions. |
>350 and ≤750 | >500 and ≤800 |
National bottom line |
750 | 800 |
D Lake ecological communities have undergone or are at high risk of a regime shift to a persistent, degraded state (without native macrophyte/seagrass cover), due to impacts of elevated nutrients leading to excessive algal and/or plant growth, as well as from losing oxygen in bottom waters of deep lakes. |
>750 | >800 |
For lakes and lagoons that are intermittently open to the sea, monitoring data should be analysed separately for closed periods and open periods. |
Value (and component) | Ecosystem health (Water quality) |
Freshwater body type | Lakes |
Attribute unit | mg/m3 (milligrams per cubic metre) |
Attribute band and description |
Numeric attribute state |
Annual median | |
A Lake ecological communities are healthy and resilient, similar to natural reference conditions. |
≤10 |
B Lake ecological communities are slightly impacted by additional algal and plant growth arising from nutrient levels that are elevated above natural reference conditions. |
>10 and ≤20 |
C Lake ecological communities are moderately impacted by additional algal and plant growth arising from nutrient levels that are elevated well above natural reference conditions. |
>20 and ≤50 |
National bottom line |
50 |
D Lake ecological communities have undergone or are at high risk of a regime shift to a persistent, degraded state (without native macrophyte/seagrass cover), due to impacts of elevated nutrients leading to excessive algal and/or plant growth, as well as from losing oxygen in bottom waters of deep lakes. |
>50 |
For lakes and lagoons that are intermittently open to the sea, monitoring data should be analysed separately for closed periods and open periods. |
Value (and component) | Ecosystem health (Water quality) | |
Freshwater body type | Rivers and lakes | |
Attribute unit | mg NH4-N/L (milligrams ammoniacal-nitrogen per litre) | |
Attribute band and description |
Numeric attribute state | |
Annual median | Annual maximum | |
A 99% species protection level: No observed effect on any species tested. |
≤0.03 | ≤0.05 |
B 95% species protection level: Starts impacting occasionally on the 5% most sensitive species. |
>0.03 and ≤0.24 | >0.05 and ≤0.40 |
National bottom line |
0.24 | 0.40 |
C 80% species protection level: Starts impacting regularly on the 20% most sensitive species (reduced survival of most sensitive species). |
>0.24 and ≤1.30 | >0.40 and ≤2.20 |
D Starts approaching acute impact level (that is, risk of death) for sensitive species. |
>1.30 | >2.20 |
Numeric attribute state is based on pH 8 and temperature of 20°C. Compliance with the numeric attribute states should be undertaken after pH adjustment. |
Value (and component) | Ecosystem health (Water quality) | |
Freshwater body type | Rivers | |
Attribute unit | mg NO3 – N/L (milligrams nitrate-nitrogen per litre) | |
Attribute band and description |
Numeric attribute state | |
Annual median | Annual 95th percentile | |
A High conservation value system. Unlikely to be effects even on sensitive species. |
≤1.0 | ≤1.5 |
B Some growth effect on up to 5% of species. |
>1.0 and ≤2.4 | >1.5 and ≤3.5 |
National bottom line |
2.4 | 3.5 |
C Growth effects on up to 20% of species (mainly sensitive species such as fish). No acute effects. |
>2.4 and ≤6.9 | >3.5 and ≤9.8 |
D Impacts on growth of multiple species, and starts approaching acute impact level (that is, risk of death) for sensitive species at higher concentrations (>20 mg/L). |
>6.9 | >9.8 |
This attribute measures the toxic effects of nitrate, not the trophic state. Where other attributes measure trophic state, for example periphyton, freshwater objectives, limits and/or methods for those attributes may be more stringent. |
Value (and component) | Ecosystem health (Water quality) | |
Freshwater body type | Rivers (below point sources only) | |
Attribute unit | mg/L (milligrams per litre) | |
Attribute band and description |
Numeric attribute state |
7-day mean minimum (summer period: 1 November to 30th April) | 1-day minimum (summer period: 1 November to 30th April) | |
A No stress caused by low dissolved oxygen on any aquatic organisms that are present at matched reference (near-pristine) sites. |
≥8.0 | ≥7.5 |
B Occasional minor stress on sensitive organisms caused by short periods (a few hours each day) of lower dissolved oxygen. Risk of reduced abundance of sensitive fish and macroinvertebrate species. |
≥7.0 and <8.0 | ≥5.0 and <7.5 |
C Moderate stress on a number of aquatic organisms caused by dissolved oxygen levels exceeding preference levels for periods of several hours each day. Risk of sensitive fish and macroinvertebrate species being lost. |
≥5.0 and <7.0 | ≥4.0 and <5.0 |
National bottom line |
5.0 | 4.0 |
D Significant, persistent stress on a range of aquatic organisms caused by dissolved oxygen exceeding tolerance levels. Likelihood of local extinctions of keystone species and loss of ecological integrity. |
<5.0 | <4.0 |
The 7-day mean minimum is the mean value of seven consecutive daily minimum values. The 1-day minimum is the lowest daily minimum across the whole summer period. |
Value (and component) | Ecosystem health (Water quality) | |||
Freshwater body type | Rivers | |||
Attribute unit | Visual clarity (metres) | |||
Attribute band and description |
Numeric attribute state by suspended sediment class |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
A Minimal impact of suspended sediment on instream biota. Ecological communities are similar to those observed in natural reference conditions. |
≥1.78 | ≥0.93 | ≥2.95 | ≥1.38 |
B Low to moderate impact of suspended sediment on instream biota. Abundance of sensitive fish species may be reduced. |
<1.78 and ≥1.55 | <0.93 and ≥0.76 | <2.95 and ≥2.57 | <1.38 and ≥1.17 |
C Moderate to high impact of suspended sediment on instream biota. Sensitive fish species may be lost. |
<1.55 and >1.34 | <0.76 and >0.61 | <2.57 and >2.22 | <1.17 and >0.98 |
National bottom line |
1.34 | 0.61 | 2.22 | 0.98 |
D High impact of suspended sediment on instream biota. Ecological communities are significantly altered and sensitive fish and macroinvertebrate species are lost or at high risk of being lost. |
<1.34 | <0.61 | <2.22 | <0.98 |
The minimum record length for grading a site is the median of 5 years of at least monthly samples (at least 60 samples). Councils may monitor turbidity and convert the measures to visual clarity. See Appendix 2C Tables 23 and 26 for the definition of suspended sediment classes and their composition. The following are examples of naturally occurring processes relevant for suspended sediment: naturally highly coloured brown-water streams glacial flour affected streams and rivers selected lake-fed REC classes (particularly warm climate classes) where low visual clarity may reflect autochthonous phytoplankton production. |
Value | Human contact | |||
Freshwater body type | Lakes and rivers | |||
Attribute unit | E. coli/100 mL (number of E. coli per hundred millilitres) | |||
Attribute band and description |
Numeric attribute state | |||
Description of risk of Campylobacter infection (based on E. coli indicator) | % exceedances over 540/100 mL | % exceedances over 260/100 mL | Median concentration /100 mL) | 95th percentile of E. coli/100 mL |
A (Blue) For at least half the time, the estimated risk is <1 in 1,000 (0.1% risk). The predicted average infection risk is 1%. |
<5% | <20% | ≤130 | ≤540 |
B (Green) For at least half the time, the estimated risk is <1 in 1,000 (0.1% risk). The predicted average infection risk is 2%. |
5-10% | 20-30% | ≤130 | ≤1000 |
C (Yellow) For at least half the time, the estimated risk is <1 in 1,000 (0.1% risk). The predicted average infection risk is 3%. |
10-20% | 20-34% | ≤130 | ≤1200 |
D (Orange) 20-30% of the time the estimated risk is ≥50 in 1,000 (>5% risk). The predicted average infection risk is >3%. |
20-30% | >34% | >130 | >1200 |
E (Red) For more than 30% of the time the estimated risk is ≥50 in 1,000 (>5% risk). The predicted average infection risk is >7%. |
>30% | >50% | >260 | >1200 |
Attribute state should be determined by using a minimum of 60 samples over a maximum of 5 years, collected on a regular basis regardless of weather and flow conditions. However, where a sample has been missed due to adverse weather or error, attribute state may be determined using samples over a longer timeframe. Attribute state must be determined by satisfying all numeric attribute states. The predicted average infection risk is the overall average infection to swimmers based on a random exposure on a random day, ignoring any possibility of not swimming during high flows or when a surveillance advisory is in place (assuming that the E. coli concentration follows a lognormal distribution). Actual risk will generally be less if a person does not swim during high flows. |
Value | Human contact |
Freshwater body type | Lakes and lake fed rivers |
Attribute unit | Biovolume mm3/L (cubic millimetres per litre) |
Attribute band and description |
Numeric attribute state |
80th percentile | |
A (Blue) Risk exposure from cyanobacteria is no different to that in natural conditions (from any contact with freshwater). |
≤0.5 mm3/L biovolume equivalent for the combined total of all cyanobacteria |
B (Green) Low risk of health effects from exposure to cyanobacteria (from any contact with freshwater). |
>0.5 and ≤1.0 mm3/L biovolume equivalent for the combined total of all cyanobacteria |
C (Yellow) Moderate risk of health effects from exposure to cyanobacteria (from any contact with freshwater). |
>1.0 and ≤1.8 mm3/L biovolume equivalent of potentially toxic cyanobacteria OR >1.0 and ≤10 mm3/L total biovolume of all cyanobacteria |
National bottom line |
1.8 mm3/L biovolume equivalent of potentially toxic cyanobacteria OR 10 mm3/L total biovolume of all cyanobacteria |
D (Orange/Red) High health risks (for example, respiratory, irritation and allergy symptoms) exist from exposure to cyanobacteria (from any contact with freshwater). |
>1.8 mm3/L biovolume equivalent of potentially toxic cyanobacteria OR >10 mm3/L total biovolume of all cyanobacteria |
The 80th percentile must be calculated using a minimum of 12 samples collected over 3 years. Thirty samples collected over 3 years is recommended. |
Value (and component) | Ecosystem health (Aquatic life) |
Freshwater body type | Lakes |
Attribute unit | Lake Submerged Plant (Native Condition Index) |
Attribute band and description |
Numeric attribute state (% of maximum potential score) |
A Excellent ecological condition. Native submerged plant communities are almost completely intact. |
>75% |
B High ecological condition. Native submerged plant communities are largely intact. |
>50 and ≤75% |
C Moderate ecological condition. Native submerged plant communities are moderately impacted. |
≥20 and ≤50% |
National bottom line |
20% |
D Poor ecological condition. Native submerged plant communities are largely degraded or absent. |
<20% |
Monitoring to be conducted at least once every three years, following the method described in Clayton J, and Edwards T. 2006. LakeSPI: A method for monitoring ecological condition in New Zealand lakes. User Manual Version 2. National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research: Hamilton, New Zealand. (see clause 1.8) Scores are reported as a percentage of maximum potential score (%) of the Native Condition Index, and lakes in a devegetated state receive scores of 0. |
Value (and component) | Ecosystem health (Aquatic life) |
Freshwater body type | Lakes |
Attribute unit | Lake Submerged Plant (Invasive Impact Index) |
Attribute band and description |
Numeric attribute state (% of maximum potential score) |
A No invasive plants present in the lake. Native plant communities remain intact. |
0% |
B Invasive plants having only a minor impact on native vegetation. Invasive plants will be patchy in nature co-existing with native vegetation. Often major weed species not present or in early stages of invasion. |
>1 and ≤25% |
C Invasive plants having a moderate to high impact on native vegetation. Native plant communities likely displaced by invasive weed beds particularly in the 2 – 8 m depth range. |
>25 and ≤90% |
National bottom line |
90% |
D Tall dense weed beds exclude native vegetation and dominate entire depth range of plant growth. The species concerned are likely hornwort and Egeria. |
>90% |
Numeric attribute state to be calculated annually following the method described in Clayton J, and Edwards T. 2006. LakeSPI: A method for monitoring ecological condition in New Zealand lakes. User Manual Version 2. National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research: Hamilton, New Zealand. (see clause 1.8) |
Value (and component) | Ecosystem health (Aquatic life) |
Freshwater body type | Wadeable rivers |
Attribute unit | Fish Index of Biotic Integrity (F-IBI) |
Attribute band and description |
Numeric attribute state (average) |
A High integrity of fish community. Habitat and migratory access have minimal degradation. |
≥34 |
B Moderate integrity of fish community. Habitat and/or migratory access are reduced and show some signs of stress. |
<34 and ≥28 |
C Low integrity of fish community. Habitat and/or migratory access is considerably impairing and stressing the community. |
<28 and ≥18 |
D Severe loss of fish community integrity. There is substantial loss of habitat and/or migratory access, causing a high level of stress on the community. |
<18 |
Sampling is to occur at least annually between December and March (inclusive) following the protocols for at least one of the backpack electrofishing method, spotlighting method, or trapping method in Joy M, David B, and Lake M. 2013. New Zealand Freshwater Fish Sampling Protocols (Part 1): Wadeable rivers and streams. Massey University: Palmerston North, New Zealand. (see clause 1.8) The F-IBI score is to be calculated using the general method defined by Joy, MK, and Death RG. 2004. Application of the Index of Biotic Integrity Methodology to New Zealand Freshwater Fish Communities. Environmental Management, 34(3), 415-428. (see clause 1.8) |
Value (and component) | Ecosystem health (Aquatic life) | |
Freshwater body type | Wadeable rivers | |
Attribute unit | Macroinvertebrate Community Index (MCI) score; Quantitative Macroinvertebrate Community Index (QMCI) score | |
Attribute band and description | Numeric attribute states | |
QMCI | MCI | |
A Macroinvertebrate community, indicative of pristine conditions with almost no organic pollution or nutrient enrichment. |
≥6.5 | ≥130 |
B Macroinvertebrate community indicative of mild organic pollution or nutrient enrichment. Largely composed of taxa sensitive to organic pollution/nutrient enrichment. |
≥5.5 and <6.5 | ≥110 and <130 |
C Macroinvertebrate community indicative of moderate organic pollution or nutrient enrichment. There is a mix of taxa sensitive and insensitive to organic pollution/nutrient enrichment. |
≥4.5 and <5.5 | ≥90 and <110 |
National bottom line |
4.5 | 90 |
D Macroinvertebrate community indicative of severe organic pollution or nutrient enrichment. Communities are largely composed of taxa insensitive to inorganic pollution/nutrient enrichment. |
<4.5 | <90 |
MCI and QMCI scores to be determined using annual samples taken between December and March (inclusive) with either fixed counts with at least 200 individuals, or full counts, and with current state calculated as the five-year median score. All sites for which the deposited sediment attribute does not apply, whether because they are in river environment classes shown in Table 25 in Appendix 2C or because they require alternate habitat monitoring under clause 3.25 are to use soft sediment sensitivity scores and taxonomic resolution as defined in table A1.1 in Clapcott et al. 2017 Macroinvertebrate metrics for the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management. Cawthron Institute: Nelson, New Zealand. (see clause 1.8) MCI and QMCI to be assessed using the method defined in Stark JD, and Maxted, JR. 2007 A user guide for the Macroinvertebrate Community Index. Cawthron Institute: Nelson, New Zealand (see clause 1.8), except for sites for which the deposited sediment attribute does not apply, which require use of the soft-sediment sensitivity scores and taxonomic resolution defined in table A1.1 in Clapcott et al. 2017 Macroinvertebrate metrics for the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management. Cawthron Institute: Nelson, New Zealand. (see clause 1.8) |
Value (and component) | Ecosystem health (Aquatic life) |
Freshwater body type | Wadeable rivers |
Attribute unit | Macroinvertebrate Average Score Per Metric (ASPM) |
Attribute band and description |
Numeric attribute states ASPM score |
A Macroinvertebrate communities have high ecological integrity, similar to that expected in reference conditions. |
≥0.6 |
B Macroinvertebrate communities have mild-to-moderate loss of ecological integrity. |
<0.6 and ≥0.4 |
C Macroinvertebrate communities have moderate-to-severe loss of ecological integrity. |
<0.4 and ≥0.3 |
National bottom line |
0.3 |
D Macroinvertebrate communities have severe loss of ecological integrity. |
<0.3 |
ASPM scores to be determined using annual samples taken between December and March (inclusive) with either fixed counts with at least 200 individuals, or full counts, and with current state calculated as the five-year median score. All sites for which the deposited sediment attribute does not apply, whether because they are in river environment classes shown in Table 25 in Appendix 2C or because they require alternate habitat monitoring under clause 3.25, are to use soft-sediment sensitivity scores and taxonomic resolution as defined in table A1.1 in Clapcott et al. 2017. Macroinvertebrate metrics for the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management. Cawthron Institute: Nelson, New Zealand. (see clause 1.8) When normalising scores for the ASPM, use the following minimums and maximums: %EPT-abundance (0-100), EPT-richness (0-29), MCI (0-200) using the method of Kevin J Collier (2008). Average score per metric: An alternative metric aggregation method for assessing wadeable stream health. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 42:4, 367-378, DOI: 10.1080/00288330809509965. (see clause 1.8) |
Value (and component) | Ecosystem health (Physical habitat) | |||
Freshwater body type | Wadeable rivers | |||
Attribute unit | % fine sediment cover | |||
Attribute band and description |
Numeric attribute state by deposited sediment class |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
A Minimal impact of deposited fine sediment on instream biota. Ecological communities are similar to those observed in natural reference conditions. |
≤7 | ≤10 | ≤9 | ≤13 |
B Low to moderate impact of deposited fine sediment on instream biota. Abundance of sensitive macroinvertebrate species may be reduced. |
>7 and ≤14 | >10 and ≤19 | >9 and ≤18 | >13 and ≤19 |
C Moderate to high impact of deposited fine sediment on instream biota. Sensitive macroinvertebrate species may be lost. |
>14 and <21 | >19 and <29 | >18 and <27 | >19 and <27 |
National bottom line |
21 | 29 | 27 | 27 |
D High impact of deposited fine sediment on instream biota. Ecological communities are significantly altered and sensitive fish and macroinvertebrate species are lost or at high risk of being lost. |
>21 | >29 | >27 | >27 |
The indicator score is percentage cover of the streambed in a run habitat determined by the instream visual method, SAM2 as defined in p. 17-20 of Clapcott JE, Young RG, Harding JS., Matthaei CD, Quinn JM. and Death RG. 2011. Sediment Assessment Methods: Protocols and guidelines for assessing the effects of deposited fine sediment on in-stream values. Cawthron Institute: Nelson, New Zealand. (see clause 1.8) The minimum record length for grading a site is the median of 60 samples taken over 5 years of monthly monitoring, or longer for sites where flow conditions only permit monthly monitoring seasonally. See Tables 24 and 26 in Appendix 2C for deposited sediment classes and their composition. This attribute does not apply in river environment classes shown in Table 25 in Appendix 2C, or where clause 3.25 requires freshwater habitat monitoring. |
Value (and component) | Ecosystem health (Water quality) | |
Freshwater body type | Rivers | |
Attribute unit | mg/L (milligrams per litre) | |
Attribute description band and description |
Numeric attribute state |
7-day mean minimum | 1-day minimum | |
A No stress caused by low dissolved oxygen on any aquatic organisms that are present at matched reference (near-pristine) sites. |
≥8.0 | ≥7.5 |
B Occasional minor stress on sensitive organisms caused by short periods (a few hours each day) of lower dissolved oxygen. Risk of reduced abundance of sensitive fish and macroinvertebrate species. |
≥7.0 and <8.0 | ≥5.0 and <7.5 |
C Moderate stress on a number of aquatic organisms caused by dissolved oxygen levels exceeding preference levels for periods of several hours each day. Risk of sensitive fish and macroinvertebrate species being lost. |
≥5.0 and <7.0 | ≥4.0 and <5.0 |
National bottom line | 5.0 | 4.0 |
D Significant, persistent stress on a range of aquatic organisms caused by dissolved oxygen exceeding tolerance levels. Likelihood of local extinctions of keystone species and loss of ecological integrity. |
<5.0 | <4.0 |
The 7-day mean minimum is the mean value of 7 consecutive daily minimum values. The 1-day minimum is the lowest daily minimum across the whole summer period. |
Value (and component) | Ecosystem health (Water quality) |
Freshwater body type | Lakes |
Attribute unit | mg/L (milligrams per litre) |
Attribute description band and description |
Numeric attribute state |
Measured or estimated annual minimum | |
A No risk from lake-bottom dissolved oxygen of biogeochemical conditions causing nutrient release from sediments. |
≥7.5 |
B Minimal risk from lake-bottom dissolved oxygen of biogeochemical conditions causing nutrient release from sediments. |
≥2.0 and < 7.5 |
C Risk from lake-bottom dissolved oxygen of biogeochemical conditions causing nutrient release from sediments. |
≥0.5 and < 2.0 |
National bottom line | 0.5 |
D Likelihood from lake-bottom dissolved oxygen of biogeochemical conditions resulting in nutrient release from sediments. |
<0.5 |
To be measured less than 1 metre above sediment surface at the deepest part of the lake using either continuous monitoring sensors or discrete dissolved oxygen profiles. |
Value (and component) | Ecosystem health (Water quality) |
Freshwater body type | Seasonally stratifying lakes |
Attribute unit | mg/L (milligrams per litre) |
Attribute description band and description |
Numeric attribute state |
Measured or estimated annual minimum | |
A No stress caused to any fish species by low dissolved oxygen. |
≥7.5 |
B Minor stress on sensitive fish seeking thermal refuge in the hypolimnion. Minor risk of reduced abundance of sensitive fish and macro-invertebrate species. |
≥ 5.0 and <7.5 |
C Moderate stress on sensitive fish seeking thermal refuge in the hypolimnion. Risk of sensitive fish species being lost. |
≥ 4.0 and <5 .0 |
National bottom line |
4.0 |
D Significant stress on a range of fish species seeking thermal refuge in the hypolimnion. Likelihood of local extinctions of fish species and loss of ecological integrity. |
< 4.0 |
To be measured using either continuous monitoring sensors or discrete dissolved oxygen profiles. |
Value (and component) | Ecosystem health (Water quality) | |
Freshwater body type | Rivers | |
Attribute unit | DRP mg/L (milligrams per litre) | |
Attribute band and description |
Numeric attribute state |
Median | 95th percentile | |
A Ecological communities and ecosystem processes are similar to those of natural reference conditions. No adverse effects attributable to dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) enrichment are expected. |
≤ 0.006 | ≤ 0.021 |
B Ecological communities are slightly impacted by minor DRP elevation above natural reference conditions. If other conditions also favour eutrophication, sensitive ecosystems may experience additional algal and plant growth, loss of sensitive macroinvertebrate taxa, and higher respiration and decay rates. |
> 0.006 and ≤0.010 | > 0.021 and ≤0.030 |
C Ecological communities are impacted by moderate DRP elevation above natural reference conditions. If other conditions also favour eutrophication, DRP enrichment may cause increased algal and plant growth, loss of sensitive macro-invertebrate and fish taxa, and high rates of respiration and decay. |
> 0.010 and ≤ 0.018 | > 0.030 and ≤ 0.054 |
D Ecological communities impacted by substantial DRP elevation above natural reference conditions. In combination with other conditions favouring eutrophication, DRP enrichment drives excessive primary production and significant changes in macroinvertebrate and fish communities, as taxa sensitive to hypoxia are lost. |
>0.018 | >0.054 |
Numeric attribute state must be derived from the median of monthly monitoring over 5 years. |
Value (and component) | Ecosystem health (Ecosystem processes) |
Freshwater body type | Rivers |
Attribute unit | g O2 m-2 d-1 (grams of dissolved oxygen per square metre per day) |
Derived from at least 7 days of continuous dissolved oxygen monitoring to be collected at least once during summer (December to March inclusive), using the method of Young RG, Clapcott JE, Simon K. 2016. Ecosystem functions and stream health. Advances in New Zealand Freshwater Science. NZ Freshwater Sciences Society, NZ Hydrological Society. (see clause 1.8) |
Value | Human contact |
Freshwater body Type | Primary contact sites in lakes and rivers (during the bathing season) |
Attribute unit | 95th percentile of E. coli/100 mL (number of E. coli per hundred millilitres) |
Attribute band and description |
Numeric attribute state |
Excellent Estimated risk of Campylobacter infection has a < 0.1% occurrence, 95% of the time. | ≤ 130 |
Good Estimated risk of Campylobacter infection has a 0.1 – 1.0% occurrence, 95% of the time. | > 130 and ≤ 260 |
Fair Estimated risk of Campylobacter infection has a 1 – 5% occurrence, 95% of the time. | > 260 and ≤ 540 |
National bottom line |
540 |
Poor Estimated risk of Campylobacter infection has a > 5% occurrence, at least 5% of the time. | > 540 |
The narrative attribute state description assumes “% of time” equals “% of samples”. |
In this Appendix, REC groups refers to the classes and categories described in the New Zealand River Environment Classification User Guide (see clause 1.8), except where those REC groups are further clustered according to Table 26.
Suspended sediment class | Suspended sediment clustered River Environment Classification groups |
1 | CD_Low_HS; WW_Low_VA; WW_Hill_VA; CD_Low_Al; CW_Hill_SS; CW_Mount_SS; CW_Hill_VA; CD_Hill_SS; CD_Hill_VA; CD_Low_VA; CW_Low_VA; CW_Mount_VA; CW_Mount_HS; CD_Mount_Al; CW_Hill_Al; CW_Mount_Al; WD_Low_Al |
2 | CD_Low_SS; WW_Low_HS; WW_Low_SS; WW_Hill_HS; WW_Hill_SS; WW_Low_Al; WD_Low_SS; WD_Lake_Any; WD_Low_HS; WD_Low_VA |
3 | CW_Hill_HS; CW_Lake_Any; CD_Lake_Any; WW_Lake_Any; CW_Low_HS; CW_Low_Al; CD_Hill_HS; CD_Hill_Al; CD_Mount_HS; CD_Mount_SS; CD_Mount_VA |
4 | CW_Low_SS |
Deposited sediment class | Deposited sediment clustered River Environment Classification groups |
1 | WD_Low_HS; WW_Lake_Any |
2 | CD_Hill_Al; CD_Low_HS; CD_Low_VA; WW_Low_HS; WW_Low_VA; CD_Hill_SS; CD_Lake_Any; CW_Lake_Any; CW_Low_Al; CD_Hill_HS; CW_Hill_VA; CW_Low_SS; CW_Low_VA |
3 | CD_Low_Al; CD_Low_SS; WW_Hill_SS; WW_Low_SS |
4 | CD_Hill_VA; CW_Mount_VA; WW_Hill_HS; CW_Mount_SS; CD_Mount_Al; CD_Mount_HS; CD_Mount_SS; CD_Mount_VA; CW_Hill_Al; CW_Hill_HS; CW_Hill_SS; CW_Low_HS; CW_Mount_Al; CW_Mount_HS; WW_Hill_VA |
WD_Low_Al; WD_Low_VA; WD_Lake_Any; WD_Low_SS; WW_Low_Al |
REC variable | REC groups | Clustered REC groups | |
Climate | Warm-Wet | Warm-Wet (WW) | |
Warm-Extremely Wet | |||
Warm-Dry | Warm-Dry (WD) | ||
Cold-Wet | Cold-Wet (CW) | ||
Cold-Extremely Wet | |||
Cold-Dry | Cold-Dry (CD) | ||
Topography (Source of flow) | Lowland | Lowland (Low) | |
Lakefed | Lakefed (Lake) | ||
Hill | Hill (Hill) | ||
Mountain | Mountain (Mount) | ||
Glacial Mountain | |||
Geology | Soft Sedimentary | Soft Sedimentary (SS) | |
Plutonic Volcanic | |||
Miscellaneous | |||
Hard Sedimentary | Hard Sedimentary (HS) | ||
Alluvium | Alluvium (Al) | ||
Volcanic Basic | Volcanic (VA) | ||
Volcanic Acidic |
The national target is to increase proportions of specified rivers and lakes that are suitable for primary contact (that is, that are in the blue, green and yellow categories) to at least 80% by 2030, and 90% no later than 2040, but also to improve water quality across all categories.
In this Appendix, specified rivers and lakes means:
The categories above represent combined improvements in all regions. For each region, this means reducing the length of specified rivers and lakes in the red and orange categories, and increasing the length of specified rivers and lakes in the yellow, green and blue categories.
The categories are based on water quality in terms of the 2 human contact attributes, E. coli and cyanobacteria (planktonic), in tables 9 and 10 in Appendix 2A.
For rivers and lakes, the target categories are same as the E. coli table attribute states. However, the categories do not include the 95th percentile of E. coli/100 mL numeric attribute state if there is insufficient monitoring data to establish the 95th percentile.
For lakes, the categories are also based on the cyanobacteria (planktonic) attribute states. However, to provide additional granularity for tracking improvements over time, the D band has been split into 2 categories (orange and red) as follows:
For lakes, the lowest category for either E. coli or cyanobacteria (planktonic) applies.
Pukekohe specified vegetable growing area:
From the point that the Waiuku River meets the Waiuku Stream at NZTM2000 1753472 5876259, up the Waiuku Stream to Waiuku Road to the boundary at NZTM2000 1755854 5875779.
The north bank of the Waikato River, from the end of Crouch Road at NZTM2000 1756420 5868522 to the end of Bluff Road at NZTM2000 1778986 5871955.
From the arm of the Pahurehure inlet at NZTM2000 1771949 5896064, eastwards along Elliot Street until it becomes Broadway, along Clevedon Road which becomes Papakura-Clevedon Road until the point at which the national grid transmission lines cross the road at NZTM2000 1778853, 5900012. Following in a southward direction the transmission line to the Auckland Council and Waikato Regional Council regional boundary at NZTM2000 1788858, 5882363.
From the mouth of the Waiuku river NZTM2000 1753472 5876259 to the north following the coastline of the Manukau Harbour to the eastern most arm of Pahurehure Inlet at NZTM2000 1771949 5896064.
Horowhenua Specified Vegetable Growing Area:
Whole lake catchment above Lake Horowhenua outlet (at approx. NZTM2000 1789400 5502450). From the lake outlet, crossing Moutere Road to the north-west, and as far west as the eastern edge of the Waitarere Forest, and as far north as Waitarere Beach Road. As far east as Gladstone Road, near Gladstone Reserve, crossing Roslyn Road, Denton Road. To the south as far as Tararua Road, and crossing Kimberley Road, Buller Road, Hokio Sand Road, then north to Lake Horowhenua outlet.
Hokio Stream catchment downstream of Lake Horowhenua outlet (approx. NZTM2000 1789400 5502450). Extending north to cross the Moutere Road, north of the bridge that crosses the Hokio Stream, and extending south to south of the landfill off Hokio Beach Road. Excluding the mainstem of the Hokio Stream from the cross-river Coastal Marine Area boundary at NZTM2000 1784949 5504086, at the western end of Muaupoko Street, and seawards.
Attributes for the purpose of clause 3.33: