Notice Type
Notice Title

Notice Under the Social Security Act 2018

Pursuant to section 101 of the Social Security Act 2018, notice is given of the making of the following instrument by the Minister for Social Development.

Authority for Instrument

Title or Subject Matter

Date of Enactment

Social Security Act 2018, section 101

Christchurch Mosques Attack Amendment (No 2) 2020


A copy of the instrument is available for free at:

This instrument, which comes into force on 1 June 2020, amends the Christchurch Mosques Attack Programme to extend its expiry date to 4 June 2021, and revokes the Christchurch Mosques Attack Amendment 2020 as it extended the programme to an incorrect date.

The instrument is a disallowable instrument for the purposes of the Legislation Act 2012 and is administered by the Ministry for Social Development.

Dated this 4th day of May 2020.

Hon CARMEL SEPULONI, Minister for Social Development.