Notice Title

Reappointments / Appointment to the New Zealand Blood Service

Pursuant to the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 and the Crown Entities Act 2004, the Associate Minister of Health has reappointed

David Chamberlain

as a member and Chair of the New Zealand Blood Service, for a one-year term of office commencing on the publication of this notice; and reappointed

Fiona Pimm

as a member of the New Zealand Blood Service, for a three-year term of office commencing on the publication of this notice; and reappointed

Dr Bartrum Baker

as a member of the New Zealand Blood Service, for a three-year term of office commencing on the publication of this notice; and appointed

Edie Moke

as a member of the New Zealand Blood Service, for a three-year term of office commencing on the publication of this notice.

Dated at Wellington this 18th day of March 2020.

Hon PEENI HENARE, Associate Minister of Health.