Notice Title

Notice of Entry into Possession of Mortgaged Goods

Publication Date
27 Jul 2020


Property Law Act Entry into possession of mortgaged goods/land/property

Notice Number

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In the matter of section 156 of the Property Law Act 2007 and in the matter of the mortgage over goods (a Specific Security Deed dated 15 May 2017) over the following charged goods: 2012 Toyota Hilux 4WD (VIN: MR0FZ22G401178835 Registration: GHY18) and 2004 Waratah 624C Processing Head (SN: 233009) (“Goods”).

Notice is hereby given that on 16 March 2020 Heartland Bank Limited (“Mortgagee”) entered into possession of the Goods of the Mortgagor, AM LEASE PARTNERS LIMITED.

The registered office of the Mortgagee is Level 3, Heartland House, 35 Teed Street, Newmarket, Auckland 1023.

Communications regarding the Goods may be addressed to Anthony Harper, Level 9, Anthony Harper Tower, 62 Worcester Boulevard, Christchurch or PO Box 2646, Christchurch.

C. R. VINNELL, Solicitor for the Mortgagee.