Notice Title

Objections and Counter-Objections to Proposed Electoral Districts of New Zealand

Publication Date
10 Jan 2020


Electoral Act Notice of fixing of electoral boundaries Electoral Commission

Notice Number

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The Representation Commission (“Commission”) hereby gives notice in accordance with section 38 of the Electoral Act 1993 (“Act”) that objections received to the proposed electoral districts are published on the website together with information about the process and deadline for making counter-objections. The following information is supplied pursuant to sections 38 and 45 of the Act and for the assistance of the public:

  1. Counter-objections are now invited on objections received. Counter-objections to objections must be received by the Commission no later than 5.00pm on Friday, 24 January 2020. Late objections cannot be considered.
  2. Counter-objections must be in writing and should clearly state:
        1. the name and contact details of the counter-objector
        2. the objection number allocated by the Commission for the specific objection(s) the counter-objection applies to
        3. the reasons for the counter-objection
        4. any suggested solution, and
        5. whether the counter-objector wishes to speak to their counter-objection at public hearings of the Commission to be held in February 2020.

    A separate counter-objection should be filed in respect of each issue opposed.

    A counter-objection can be completed online at Alternatively, a hardcopy form can be downloaded from this website or requested by emailing or by calling 0800 36 76 56. It is not mandatory to use this form.

    Whether or not a counter-objector is heard, their written counter-objection will be fully considered.

  3. Counter-objections may be lodged:

    online at:

    by post addressed to: The Secretary, Representation Commission, PO Box 3220, Wellington 6140

    by email to:

  4. All counter-objections will be published online at, including counter-objector’s names.

Dated at Wellington this 10th day of January 2020.

CRAIG THOMPSON, Chairman of the Representation Commission.