New Zealand Transport Agency (Speed Limits on State Highways) Amendment Bylaw 2020/12
Pursuant to section 61(3) of the Government Roading Powers Act 1989, and the Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2017, the NZ Transport Agency hereby makes the following bylaw.
1. Title and commencement—This bylaw is the New Zealand Transport Agency (Speed Limits on State Highways) Amendment Bylaw 2020/12 and will come into force on and from 30 October 2020
2. Amendments—The New Zealand Transport Agency (Speed Limits on State Highways) Bylaw 2010/10* is hereby amended by:
This note is not part of the bylaw, but is intended to indicate its general effect.
This bylaw, which comes into force on and from 30 October 2020, amends the New Zealand Transport Agency (Speed Limits on State Highways) Bylaw 2010/10.
Dated at Wellington this 3rd day of August 2020.
Signed on behalf of the NZ Transport Agency by:
VANESSA BROWNE, Senior Manager, Operational Policy, Planning and Performance, Transport Services, NZ Transport Agency.
*Supplement to the New Zealand Gazette, 1 September 2010, No. 112, page 2967.