CONE ENTERPRISES (NEW ZEALAND) LIMITED (in receivership and in liquidation)
Company Number: 428625
Notice is hereby given that on 12 February 2020, Colin Gower and Andrew Grace, both accredited insolvency practitioners of BDO Christchurch, were appointed joint and several receivers and managers of the company under the terms of a general security deed giving the holder a secured charge over all of the company’s present and after-acquired personal property.
The Receivers’ Office Address is: BDO Christchurch, Awly Building, Level 4, 287–293 Durham Street North, Christchurch 8013.
The Receivers’ Postal Address is: BDO Christchurch, PO Box 246, Christchurch 8140. Telephone: (03) 353 5528. Facsimile: (03) 366 1571. Email:
Dated this 12th day of February 2020.
COLIN GOWER, Joint and Several Receiver and Manager.