1175160 LIMITED (formerly known as EASTERN BAY INSURANCE & FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED) (in liquidation)
Notice is given that subsequent to the directors of the company filing a resolution at the Companies Office, pursuant to section 243(8) of the Companies Act 1993 (“Act”), stating that on appointment of a liquidator the company would be able to pay its debts, Alan Charles Connolly and Paul James Wills, both chartered accountants of Whakatane (“liquidators”), were appointed joint and several liquidators of the company, under section 241(2)((a) of the Companies Act 1993, by a special resolution of the shareholders of the company on 7 July 2020 at 2.35pm, the date and time the liquidation commenced.
Creditors and the Shareholders May Direct Enquiries to: Arrow Accountants Limited, 5 Richardson Street, Whakatane 3158. Telephone: (07) 308 7155.