J & M HOLDINGS 2016 LIMITED (in liquidation)
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors of J & M HOLDINGS 2016 LIMITED (in liquidation) (“company”) will be held at the offices of Rodgers Reidy, 32C Sheffield Crescent, Burnside, Christchurch on Monday 29 April 2019, commencing at 10.00am.
Proxies must be completed and received at the office of the liquidators not later than 5.00pm on Tuesday 23 April 2019.
Dated this 10th day of April 2019.
GEOFF BROWN, Joint Liquidator.
Address of Liquidators: Rodgers Reidy (NZ) Limited, Chartered Accountants and Insolvency Specialists, PO Box 39090, Harewood, Christchurch 8545. Telephone: (03) 929 0895. Facsimile: (03) 974 2479.
Enquiries to: Geoff Brown (gbrown@rodgersreidy.co.nz).