Notice Title

HALIFAX NEW ZEALAND LIMITED (administrators appointed)

Publication Date
15 Mar 2019


Companies Act Winding up/liquidations

Notice Number

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Notice of Watershed Meeting of Creditors

Pursuant to Section 239AU of the Companies Act 1993

Company Number: 2130897

Notice is hereby given that the watershed meeting of creditors of the company will be held at 10.00am (NZDT) on Friday 22 March 2019, at SkyCity Grand Auckland Convention Centre, Room New Zealand 2, Level 5, 88 Federal Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand. Registration will open at 9.00am with the meeting commencing at 10.00am.


  1. The purpose of the meeting is:
    1. to review the report of the administrators in connection with the business, property, affairs and financial circumstances of the company; and
    2. to determine whether:
      1. to execute a deed of company arrangement (if any);
      2. to bring the administration to an end; or
      3. the company should be placed in liquidation.

Administrators’ Report

Pursuant to section 239AU of the Companies Act 1993, the administrators hereby inform you that you may inspect, download and print a copy of the administrators’ report at our website (click on the voluntary administrators’ report 14 March 2019), which includes:

  1. the administrators’ comments on the business, property, and affairs and financial circumstances of the company; and
  2. the statement setting out the administrators’ opinion, as to whether it is in the company’s creditors’ interests for:
    1. the company to execute a deed of company arrangement;
    2. the administration to end; or
    3. the company to be placed in liquidation.

Proxy Form

Creditors wishing to vote at the meeting, who will not be attending in person or are a company, must complete and return a proxy form by no later than 10.00am (NZDT) on Wednesday 20 March 2019.

Dated this 14th day of March 2019.

MORGAN KELLY, Joint Administrator.