Notice Pursuant to Section 115 of the Land Transfer Act 2017
An application under section 115 of the Land Transfer Act 2017 has been received for the removal of an easement. The applicant claims the easement is extinguished by reason of the circumstances set out below.
If no objections have been received before 4 September 2019, the Register will be updated to record the easement as redundant.
Application Number: 11498557.1
Applicant: Hayden Charles Franciscus Chamberlain, c/- Young Carrington & Ussher, PO Box 845, New Plymouth 4340.
Easement: A right of way over part Lot 1 DP 14458 marked A on DP 14458 comprised in RT TNG2/1018 and appurtenant to Lot 1 DP 531535 comprised in RT 867903 specified in Easement Certificate 312333.2 registered on 8.8.1984.
Circumstances: The dominant tenement Lot 1 DP 531535 has become physically separated from the servient tenement as a result of subdivision shown on DP 531535.
Dated this 5th day of August 2019 at the Hamilton Office of Land Information New Zealand.
LYNNE MOORE, for Registrar-General of Land.