Land Transfer Notice
The owner of land adjoining the bank of the Hawkins River in the Selwyn District, has applied to me to bring part of the dry bed of the Hawkins River under the provisions of the Land Transfer Act 1952 and issue a Computer Freehold Register for it in their name.
Land Registration District: Canterbury.
Application Number: 10888059.1.
Applicant: Sydney John Worsfold, c/- Lauraine Frampton, White Fox & Jones, Lawyers, PO Box 1353, Christchurch 8140.
Land Applied for: Part Lots 1 and 2 LT Plan 503122 being part of the former bed of the Hawkins River adjoining Rural Sections 12836, 13995, 15018 and 15024 comprised in Computer Freehold Register CB31K/903 in the Selwyn District.
I hereby give notice of my intention to bring the land applied for under the provisions of the Land Transfer Act 1952 and issue a title for it in the names of the applicants unless a caveat forbidding the same is lodged on or before 21 March 2019.
Dated at the Hamilton Office of Land Information New Zealand this 16th day of January 2019.
L. J. MOORE, for Registrar-General of Land.