Notice Title

Notice of the Final Determination of the Minister for Land Information on a Local Authority District Name

Pursuant to section 16 of the New Zealand Geographic Board (Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa) Act 2008 (“Act”), notice was given in the New Zealand Gazette, 5 November 2018, Notice No. 2018-ln5486, of a proposal by the New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa (“Board”) to alter an existing local authority district name.

The Board dealt with the submissions it received for the proposal according to section 18 of the Act.

Having considered a report from the Board, I hereby declare that my final determination made pursuant to sections 20(2) and 20(3) of the Act is to correct the spelling of the local authority district name as described in the Schedule below.

I made my decision on 24 September 2019, and my final determination on this local authority district name will take effect on 17 January 2020, being the date that the Order in Council, as required by sections 22(2) and 22(3) of the Act, gives effect to this local authority district name alteration.


Official Local Authority District Name

Feature Type and Description

Ōtorohanga District

The local authority district of Ōtorohanga District Council, as defined on plan LG-018-2013-W-1. NZTM 1799397mE 5770256mN. Alteration from Otorohanga District (official name by New Zealand Gazette, 13 June 1989, No. 99, page 2460).

Dated at Wellington this 19th day of December 2019.

Hon EUGENIE SAGE, Minister for Land Information.