Notice Title

Notification of Levy Rates on Sheepmeat and Beef

Publication Date
19 Sep 2019


Commodity Levies (Meat) Order Levies Beef + Lamb New Zealand Limited

Notice Number

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Pursuant to clause 14 of the Commodity Levies (Meat) Order 2015, notice is hereby given that for the levy year commencing 1 October 2019, the rates of sheepmeat and beef levies (exclusive of GST) have not changed and will continue to be:

  1. Sheepmeat levy – all sheep slaughtered $0.70 per head;
  2. Beef levy – all cattle slaughtered (including beef cattle and dairy cattle but excluding bobby calves) $5.20 per head.

Dated this 18th day of September 2019.

CROS SPOONER, Chief Operating Officer, Beef + Lamb New Zealand Limited.