A replacement to this notice was published on 1 May 2020, Notice No. 2020-gs1636.

Notice Type
General Section
Notice Title

Social Workers Registration Board (Fees and Disciplinary Levy) Notice May 2019

Pursuant to sections 108 and 109 of the Social Workers Registration Act 2003, the Social Workers Registration Board sets out the fees and the Disciplinary Levy prescribed by the Social Workers Registration Board. This notice replaces all previous Social Workers Registration Board Notices.


Title and commencement

This notice may be cited as the Social Workers Registration Board (Fees and Disciplinary Levy) Notice May 2019. This notice comes into force on 1 May 2019, and replaces the notice published in the New Zealand Gazette, 22 August 2018, Notice No. 2018-gs4148.

Fees and Disciplinary Levy

The Social Workers Registration Board prescribes the fees and disciplinary levy payable to the Board specified in the Schedule to this notice.


The Fees and Disciplinary Levy are in New Zealand Dollars and are inclusive of goods and services tax (GST).


Fees and Disciplinary Levy Payable


Registration with a New Zealand qualification application


Registration with an overseas qualification application


Practising Certificate application (initial and annual)


New graduate1 first Practising Certificate application


Disciplinary Levy (initial and annual)


Assessment of overseas qualification (non-binding) application (section 7)


Initial assessment Part 1 Experience Pathway Framework (non-binding) application (section 13)


Assessment of full Experience Pathway Framework (non-binding) application (section 13)


Re-processing of lapsed registration application2


Competence Assessment (Overseas) application


Competence Assessment in person (face to face)


Copies of certificates or entries, or for supplying documents for overseas registration purposes (Certificate of Good Standing)


Replacement Practising Certificate identification card


Recognition and Re-recognition of a New Zealand social work education programme application

Up to 29,900.00

Mid-cycle review of a SWRB recognised New Zealand social work education programme

Up to 10,350.00

Further enquiries: by email to info@swrb.govt.nz or by post to Social Workers Registration Board, PO Box 3452, Wellington 6140.

Dated at Wellington this 1st day of April 2019.

PAUL KIRBY, Registrar, Social Workers Registration Board.


1. For the purpose of this fee, a new graduate is someone applying for their first practicing certificate within 12 months of completing the requirements of a recognised New Zealand qualification.

2. Incomplete applications lapse 6 months after receipt by the SWRB of the online application form.