Notice Title

Declaration Extending State of Local Emergency

Pursuant to section 71 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002, we, Richard Kempthorne and Rachel Reese, extend the state of local emergency declared at 8.00am on 6 February 2019 and extended to 8.00am on 13 February 2019 for Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group owing to the effects of the Pigeon Valley Fire.

The state of local emergency is extended for 7 days. It will take effect immediately from the time the initial declaration of the state of emergency (or the last extension) was to expire.

Declared by: Richard Kempthorne and Rachel Reese.

Designation: Mayors of the districts for which the state of local emergency is declared.

Time and Date of Declaration: 11.35am on 19 February 2019.