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Public Service Day Awards List

The New Zealand Public Service Medal

The State Services Commissioner, under authority delegated by The Minister of State Services, is pleased to award the New Zealand Public Service Medal Te Tohu Ratonga Tūmatanui o Aotearoa to the following recipients:

Mrs Ann Maree Hayes, of Invercargill

Dr Craig Malcolm Trotter, of Lower Hutt

Mr John Patrick Henderson, of Christchurch

Mrs Mabel Flight, of Tūrangi

Ms Kaye MacDonald, of Blenheim

Mrs Diane Siua Fenika, of Christchurch

The State Services Commissioner’s Commendation for Frontline Excellence

The State Services Commissioner is pleased to award the Commendation for Frontline Excellence Te Tohu Amorangi a Te Kawa Mataaho to the following recipients:

Ms Firoza Shaikh, of Auckland

Mr Luke Timothy Jackson Stenner, of Wellington

Miss Brittnee O’Brien, of Auckland

Mr Maxwell Broadfoot, of Washington

Ms Penni Rawina Gray, of Ōpōtiki

Ms Rochelle Bouterey, of Waitara

Ms Tiana Timoteo, of Auckland

Mrs Georgina Delamere, of Ōpōtiki

Mr Robert Anderson, of Wellington

Dated at Wellington this 4th day of November 2019.

PETER HUGHES, State Services Commissioner.