Classification of Medicines
Pursuant to section 106(1) of the Medicines Act 1981, I, Chris James, Group Manager, Medsafe, Ministry of Health, acting under delegated authority, hereby declare the following:
Every reference to a medicine in this notice applies whether the medicine is synthetic in origin or is from biological or mineral sources.
Unless specific reference is made otherwise, every reference applies also to medicines that are:
Unless specific reference is made otherwise, every reference to a medicine applies:
Where any reference is modified by a statement of the strength of the medicine, the strength is calculated using the free acid, base, alcohol or element unless specifically stated otherwise.
Melatonin; except when supplied in medicines for oral use containing 3mg or less per immediate release dose unit, or 2mg or less per modified release dose unit, when sold in the manufacturers original pack that has received consent from the Minister of Health or the Director General for the treatment of primary insomnia for adults aged 55 years or older for up to 13 weeks by a registered pharmacist.
Dated this 24th day of June 2019.
CHRIS JAMES, Group Manager, Medsafe, Ministry of Health.