Notice Title

Declaration of Cessation of Electricity Operator (Scarlett Limited) Notice 2019

This notice is issued pursuant to section 4A of the Electricity Act 1992 and declares that:

Scarlett Limited (formerly Trustpower Limited) (Company Number: 604040)

has ceased to be an electricity operator for all the purposes of the Electricity Act 1992, including for the purpose of line function services.


1 Title

This notice is the Declaration of Cessation of Electricity Operator (Scarlett Limited) Notice 2019.

2 Commencement

This notice comes into force on the date it is signed by the Minister of Energy and Resources.

3 Application

This notice applies to Scarlett Limited, formerly a New Zealand registered limited liability company (previously named Trustpower Limited).

Issued at Wellington this 6th day of June 2019.

Hon Dr MEGAN WOODS, Minister of Energy and Resources.

Explanatory Note

This note is for explanatory purposes only.

The Declaration of Cessation of Electricity Operator (Scarlett Limited) Notice 2019 revokes the electricity operator status that was granted to Scarlett Limited under the Electricity Act 1992 and published in the New Zealand Gazette, 2 September 2010, No. 113, page 3026.

Scarlett Limited (the former Trustpower Limited) has been liquidated and is no longer an electricity generator. The current Trustpower Limited has electricity operator status by virtue of the status granted to Bay Energy Limited (Company Number 565426) on 6 October 2016.