Notice Title

Christchurch Mosques Attack Welfare Programme Amendment (No. 1)

Publication Date
13 Jun 2019


Social Security Act Programmes Social Development

Notice Number

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Pursuant to section 101 of the Social Security Act 2018 (“Act”), the Minister for Social Development approves the following amendments to the Christchurch Mosques Attack Welfare Programme (as established and approved on 27 May 2019 and published in the New Zealand Gazette, 28 May 2019, Notice No. 2019-go2447).



1. Title

This instrument is the Christchurch Mosques Attack Welfare Programme Amendment (No. 1).

2. Commencement

This instrument comes into force on 14 June 2019.

3. Amendments to Christchurch Mosques Attack Welfare Programme

The Christchurch Mosques Attack Welfare Programme (“programme”) as established and approved on 27 May 2019 is amended in the manner outlined in clauses 4 and 5.

4. Amendment to clause 6

Insert the following after clause 6(1) of the programme:

(2) This programme also applies to a person that the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) is satisfied:

      1. has applied for the Christchurch Visa but has not yet been granted it; and
      2. is eligible for or has been granted emergency benefit under the Act.

(3) Where subclause (2) applies a person may receive entitlements under the Act or this programme, but not both.

5. Amendment to clause 8

Replace clause 8 of the programme with:

8. People whose family member was injured or died in the Christchurch mosques attack

(1) This programme applies to a person who:

      1. is an immediate family member of a person who died, was injured or was present during the Christchurch mosques attack; and

(2) In this clause “immediate family member” means:

      1. a spouse or partner;
      2. a parent;
      3. a non-dependent adult child; and
      4. a non-dependent adult sibling.

Dated at Wellington this 12th day of June 2019.

Hon PEENI HENARE, Associate Minister for Social Development.


Explanatory note

This note is not part of the instrument, but is intended to indicate its general effect.

This instrument is made under section 101 of the Act and comes into force on 14 June 2019.

The instrument makes two amendments to the Christchurch Mosques Attack Welfare Programme:

  • Clause 6 is being amended to allow a person who is applying for the Christchurch visa and has been granted or is eligible for the emergency benefit (“EB”) to receive payments under the Act or programme (but not both). This is necessary because MSD may not be able to pay family tax credit/best start tax credit under the Income Tax Act 2007 to people receiving EB unless they or their child are citizens or permanent residents in terms of the Income Tax Act 2007.
  • Clause 8 is being replaced to extend the programme to the partners/spouses and parents of people who died, were injured or were present in the attacks. This is necessary because the partner or parent of a person who died or was injured in the attacks but who was not in New Zealand on 15 March 2019 will not qualify for the Christchurch visa and may not be able to be included on any main benefit/welfare payment of a person who was injured or present in the attacks.