Notice Title

Notice of Entry into Possession of Mortgaged Goods

Publication Date
10 Jun 2019


Property Law Act Entry into possession of mortgaged goods/land/property

Notice Number

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To: The Orthodontic Institute Auckland City Limited (4928939) (“Mortgagor”)

Heartland Bank Limited (“Mortgagee”) gives notice, pursuant to section 156 of the Property Law Act 2007, that on 6 June 2019 it entered into possession of certain goods mortgaged pursuant to a security agreement made by the Mortgagor in favour of the Mortgagee dated 3 April 2018.

The mortgaged goods are:

  1. Heliodent Dentotime X-Ray No. 02510 S02S;
  2. Sirona C4+ Dental Chair Unit D3426 SN 76623, and all attachments;
  3. Air Compressor;
  4. Suction Motor Unit;
  5. Various office furniture and fittings, including cabinetry, chairs and reception desk; and
  6. Various office equipment (unless secured to other parties) including software and/or computer systems or servers and stereo systems.

The address of the Mortgagee for communication relating to these goods is at the offices of Simpson Grierson, Level 27, 88 Shortland Street, Auckland.

Dated at Auckland this 6th day of June 2019.

Signed by:
BENOIT JACQUES UPTON on Behalf of the Mortgagee.