Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act (Overseas Banks) Class Authorisation Notice 2019
Under section 65(1)(b) of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act 1989, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand gives the following notice of authorisations.
This notice is the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act (Overseas Banks) Class Authorisation Notice 2019.
This notice comes into force on 23 September 2019.
The authorisations in this notice apply to overseas banks that do not have a place of business in New Zealand.
(1) In this notice, unless the context otherwise requires,--
Act means the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act 1989.
bank account means a bank account, including a call/current or deposit account, a term deposit, an overdraft facility, a structured deposit, a client account, a credit card account, a revolving credit facility, a multi-optional facility, a term loan, or a loan account.
derivative has the meaning set out in the FMCA (but disregarding any declaration under subpart 3 of Part 9 of that Act).
eligible overseas bank means an overseas bank to which this notice applies.
FMCA means the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.
Kauri bond means an unsubordinated debt security that:
person has the meaning set out in the FMCA.
RBNZ means the Reserve Bank of New Zealand.
wholesale banking activities means activities carried on by an eligible overseas bank that are associated with providing banking services to a wholesale customer, including any of the following:
wholesale customer means a person described in at least one of the paragraphs in clause 3(2) or (3) of Schedule 1 to the FMCA, including any entity controlled by such person within the meaning of clause 48 of Schedule 1 to the FMCA.
wholesale lending activities means activities carried on by an eligible overseas bank that is associated with lending or providing credit solely to a wholesale customer, including any of the following:
(2) Any term or expression that is defined in the Act and used, but not defined, in this notice has the same meaning as in the Act.
(3) References to “activities” in this notice refers to activities carried on directly or indirectly in New Zealand (whether through an agent or otherwise).
(4) The relevant time, for the purposes of applying Schedule 1 of the FMCA in the definition of wholesale customer, must be treated as the time immediately before the service is received by the customer.
(1) Every eligible overseas bank is authorised to use a name or title that includes a restricted word in respect of its wholesale banking activities.
(1) Every eligible overseas bank is authorised to use a name or title that includes a restricted word in respect of its wholesale lending activities.
(1) Every eligible overseas bank is authorised to use a name or title that includes a restricted word in respect of activities connected with the provision of financial adviser services for wholesale customers.
(1) Every eligible overseas bank is authorised to use a name or title that includes a restricted word in respect of activities connected with the operation of the debt or equity capital markets (including the Kauri bond market), including where it is acting as an issuer, an underwriter, an originator, a manager, an arranger, or a broker or in a similar role on any of the following:
(2) The authorisation includes using the eligible overseas bank’s name and logo with the name of any other syndicate member on any terms sheet or offer document distributed in New Zealand in connection with the activities specified in subclause (1).
(1) Every eligible overseas bank is authorised to use a name or title that includes a restricted word in respect of activities as a trustee, security trustee, registrar, paying agent, offshore listing agent, or clearing system custodian that is connected with or results from any capital markets issuance.
(1) Every eligible overseas bank is authorised to use a name or title that includes a restricted word in respect of activities where it is investing or trading in any New Zealand financial products on its own account.
(1) Every eligible overseas bank is authorised to use a name or title that includes a restricted word in respect of activities that are associated with entering into any foreign exchange, derivative transactions, or transactions relating to an emission unit with wholesale customers, including acting as a broker in respect of foreign exchange, derivative transactions, or transactions relating to an emission unit with wholesale customers.
(1) Every eligible overseas bank is authorised to use a name or title that includes a restricted word in respect of activities that are associated with acting as a custodian, a clearing participant, or a prime broker in relation to derivatives (including managing incidental cash accounts) for wholesale customers.
The authorisations in this notice are subject to the conditions that the eligible overseas bank:
Dated at Wellington this 23rd day of August 2019.
ANDY WOOD, Head of Supervision.