Notice Type
Authorities/Other Agencies of State
Notice Title

Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2017 and Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004 Variable Speed Limit at Rural Schools (Turning Vehicle Hazard) Notice No. 4 Amendment

Pursuant to clause 5.2(1) of the Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2017 and clause 4.4(4) of the Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004 and delegations from the NZ Transport Agency, I, Glenn Bunting, Manager Network Safety, amend the notice subtitled “Variable Speed Limit at Rural Schools (Turning Vehicle Hazard) Notice No. 3”, published in the New Zealand Gazette, 6 June 2013, No. 72, page 1925.

In clause 4 Signs, replace paragraph (a) with:

“(a) Signs that comply with the Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004 must be installed on every approach to a variable speed limit at a school listed in the Schedule as follows:”

In clause 4 Signs, replace paragraph (a)(i) with:

“(i) Speed limit signs that comply with Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004 must be installed to identify the section of road subject to the variable speed limit on the main road outside the school and on each approach on a major side road that intersects with the road controlled with a variable speed limit; and”

In the Schedule delete row 25;

Wanganui District

Westmere School

Francis Road Rapanui Road

Wanganui District Council



And replace with;

Wanganui District

Westmere School

Francis Road Rapanui Road

Wanganui District Council



Signed at Wellington this 4th day of April 2019.

GLENN BUNTING, Manager Network Safety, NZ Transport Agency.