TOWER CITY HOLDINGS LIMITED (in interim liquidation)
Company No.: 2218604
Vivian Judith Fatupaito and Elizabeth Helen Keene, both of KPMG, were appointed joint and several interim liquidators of the company by the High Court of New Zealand at Auckland on 8 July 2019 at 3.30pm.
If any creditor claims a security interest over any assets of the above company, please provide details to the interim liquidators forthwith.
Creditors and shareholders may make direct inquiries to us during normal business hours at the address and telephone number stated below.
Dated this 17th day of July 2019.
Please Direct Enquiries During Normal Business Hours to: Daniel Smith, c/- KPMG Wellington, 10 Customhouse Quay, Wellington 6011. Telephone: (04) 816 4865. Email: