Notice Title

Land Transfer Act Notice

Publication Date
18 Dec 2018


Land Transfer Act Land Registrar notices Hamilton

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I hereby give notice of an application lodged with me for the issue of Computer Freehold Register to the below-named applicant pursuant to section 200 of the Land Transfer Act 1952 for the land described below.

Such Computer Freehold Register may be issued and existing estates and interests determined unless caveat forbidding that is lodged with me on or before 27 February 2019.

Application 10730865.1 by Ian Murray Manning, for an estate in fee simple in 44 m2 more or less being part, Part Rural Section 569 being also part Lot 1 on a Plan lodged for deposit under number LT 495753 and being the land contained in Computer Freehold Register CB384/60 [Limited as to Parcels] Canterbury Land District.

The registered owners of the above land are Gavin Neil Billington and Julie Ellen Billington. The applicant claims that he and his predecessors in possession were in occupation of the land prior to the issue of the above limited title.

Dated at Land Information New Zealand, Hamilton, this 14th day of December 2018.

LOIS ROE, for Registrar-General of Land.