Notice Title

Land Transfer Act 2017—Designating Land Registry Offices for Posting Notices to the Registrar-General of Land

Publication Date
6 Nov 2018


Land Transfer Act Designating Land Registry Offices

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Section 222(3)(a) of the Land Transfer Act 2017 requires the Registrar-General of Land (“Registrar”) to give notice of the addresses of designated land registry offices for posting notices to the Registrar under section 222(1) of the Act.

I specify the addresses of the following offices of Land Information New Zealand:

Hamilton office: Private Bag 3028, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240 or DX GX 10069, Hamilton.

Christchurch office: Private Bag 4721, Christchurch 8140.

This notice takes effect from Monday 12 November 2018.

R. W. MUIR, Registrar-General of Land.