Notice Pursuant to Section 70 of the Land Transfer Act 1952
The applicant described below has applied under section 70 of the Land Transfer Act 1952 for the removal of a right to drain water. The applicant claims the right to drain water is redundant by reason of the circumstances set out below.
I intend to remove the right to drain water on 13 August 2018 if no objections have been received before that date.
Application Number: 11132878.1.
Auckland Council, c/- Buddle Findlay PWC Tower, 188 Quay Street, PO Box 1433, Auckland 1140. Attention: A. Pettitt.
Top Garden Property Development Limited, c/- Russell McVeagh, Vero Centre, 48 Shortland Street, PO Box 8, Auckland 1140. Attention: Ed Smithies.
Easement: A right to drain water over part Lot 1002 DP 512136 comprised in Computer Register 789298 marked C and D on DP 506082 and over part Lot 1003 DP 512136 comprised in Computer Register 789297 marked A and B on DP 506082 appurtenant to the lands contained in 587072, 587076, 643914 to 643916, 652422, 680522, 680523, 680525 to 680529, 680531, 680946, 680947, 680951 to 680955, 680957, 680965 to 680969, 680971 to 680977, 689483, 691073 to 691082, 700459, 700460, 700463, 700464, 700492, 708872, 708873, 725953 to 725961, 766457, 766458, 790397, 790400, 794932 to 794935, 810780 to 810809 created by Transfer 7382020.4 – 22 May 2007 at 9.00am.
Circumstances: Redundancy due to separation: The dominant land has become physically separated from the servient land as a result of the subdivision of plans DP 459994, DP 463057, DP 446057 and DP 473282.
Dated at Land Information New Zealand, Hamilton, this 10th day of July 2018.
SARAH WELCH, for Registrar-General of Land.