Notice Title

Notice of Final Determinations of the Minister for Land Information on Official Geographic Names

Pursuant to section 16 of the New Zealand Geographic Board (Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa) Act 2008 (“Act”), notice was given in the New Zealand Gazette, 23 November 2017, Notice No. 2017-ln6155 and New Zealand Gazette, 24 May 2018, Notice No. 2018-ln2218, of proposals by the New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa (“Board”) to alter existing geographic names.

The Board dealt with the submissions it received for the proposals according to section 18 of the Act.

Having considered the reports from the Board, I hereby declare that my final determinations, made pursuant to sections 20(2) and 20(3) of the Act, are the official geographic names as described in the Schedule below.

I made my decisions on 9 November 2018, and my final determinations on these names will take effect on 20 December 2018.


Official Geographic Name

Geographic Feature Type


John Creek


A small village at the southeast corner of Lake Hāwea, approximately 4.5km northeast of Lake Hāwea (town), Central Otago. NZTopo50-CA13 075555. Alteration from Gladstone (recorded name).

John Creek


A stream flowing for approximately 5.5km generally westwards from the valley north of Breast Peak, then northwest through John Creek (village) into Lake Hāwea, Central Otago. NZTopo50-CA13 115567 to 075556. Alteration from Johns Creek (recorded name).

Waitangitāhuna River


A river in two parts flowing generally northwards for approximately 45km from Tatare Range into the Tasman Sea. From NZTopo50-BW16 823929 (source) to 788081 [21km] and NZTopo50-BW16 836090 to 754200 [24km] (mouth). Altered from Waitangitaona River (recorded name).

Dated at Wellington this 20th day of December 2018.

Hon EUGENIE SAGE, Minister for Land Information.