Land Taken for Severance and Amalgamated—State Highway 1, Waikato Expressway, Cambridge, Waipa District
Pursuant to section 119 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Janine Stocker, Land Information New Zealand, declares the land described in the Schedule to this notice to be taken as severance, and amalgamated with the land in Computer Freehold Register 627506, subject to Part IVA of the Conservation Act 1987, section 11 of the Crown Minerals Act 1991, and the right of way easement in gross over the areas marked A, B, C, D and E on SO 510549 and marked B on SO 510550, on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette.
Area |
Description |
0.4489 | Part Section 3 SO 458819 (part Computer Interest Register 627505); shown as Section 15 on SO 510549. |
2.2899 | Part Section 3 SO 458819 (part Computer Interest Register 627505); shown as Section 20 on SO 510549. |
0.3228 | Part Section 6 SO 458819 (part Computer Interest Register 627505); shown as Section 21 on SO 510549. |
1.8017 | Part Section 6 SO 458819 (part Computer Interest Register 627505); shown as Section 25 on SO 510549. |
0.6925 | Part Section 25 SO 458819 (part Computer Interest Register 627505); shown as Section 26 on SO 510549. |
0.4813 | Part Section 25 SO 458819 (part Computer Interest Register 627505); shown as Section 30 on SO 510549. |
0.5499 | Part Section 7 SO 458819 (part Computer Interest Register 627505); shown as Section 38 on SO 510549. |
0.1011 | Part Section 9 SO 458819 (part Computer Interest Register 627505); shown as Section 48 on SO 510549. |
Dated at Wellington this 2nd day of October 2018.
J. STOCKER, for the Minister for Land Information.
(LINZ CPC/2006/11862)