Cancellation of Notice—Whenuapai Aerodrome
Pursuant to section 4B of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Zak Sun, Land Information New Zealand, hereby cancels, with effect from the date of publication of this notice in the New Zealand Gazette, the notice titled “Whenuapai Aerodrome”, dated 19 July 1960 and published in the New Zealand Gazette, 11 August 1960, No. 49, page 1166, and registered as No. 17693, by which the Minister of Works, in exercise of the powers under section 8 of the Public Works Amendment Act 1956, prohibited the erection, placing or extension, without his consent, of any building, pole, mast or other structure of any kind, and the growing of trees or shrubs of any kind, on the land described in the Schedule thereto beyond the heights specified in the notice.
Dated at Wellington this 11th day of September 2018.
ZAK SUN, for the Minister for Land Information.
(LINZ CPC/2018/20446)