Notice Title

Declaring Land to be Held for Conservation Purposes

Publication Date
23 Jul 2018


Conservation Act Land notices Canterbury

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Under section 7(1) of the Conservation Act 1987, the Deputy-Director General Operations, Department of Conservation, acting under a delegation from the Minister of Conservation, and the Deputy Commissioner of Crown Lands, acting under a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, being the Minister responsible for the department of State that has control of the land described in the schedule, jointly declare that the land described in the Schedule is held for conservation purposes.

Canterbury Land District—Mackenzie District



425.3900 Section 2 SO 15864, Block IV Pukaki Survey District.
18.8700 Section 3 SO 15864, Blocks III and IV Pukaki Survey District.
  All New Zealand Gazette, 19 November 2015, Issue No. 126, Notice No. 2015-ln6664.

Dated at Wellington this 16th day of July 2018.
MICHAEL SLATER, Deputy-Director General Operations.

Dated at Wellington this 9th day of July 2018.
JOHN HOOK, Deputy Commissioner of Crown Lands.

(DOC PAP-00-03-04)