Notice Title

Land Acquired for Recreation Reserve—Te Moana Road, Waikanae, Kapiti Coast District

Publication Date
8 Jun 2018


Other Districts Public Works Act Kapiti Coast

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Pursuant to sections 20 and 50 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Zak Sun, Land Information New Zealand, declares that, an agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule to this notice is acquired for a recreation reserve and shall vest in the Kapiti Coast District Council, subject to the Reserves Act 1977, Part 4A of the Conservation Act 1987 and section 11 of the Crown Minerals Act 1991, and excepting as to non-statute minerals remaining in Computer Freehold Register 522/31 which are excluded from sale, on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette.

Wellington Land District—Kapiti Coast District



0.4673 Section 3 SO 469229 (part Gazette Notice 430159) subject to a marginal strip marked “B” and “C” on SO 508987.

Dated at Wellington this 8th day of June 2018.

ZAK SUN, for the Minister for Land Information.

(LINZ CPC/2007/12531)