Notice Title

Notice of Local Transition Period

Publication Date
6 Apr 2018


Civil Defence Emergency Management Act Local transition periods Tasman District Council

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I, Tim King, give notice of a local transition period over Tasman District owing to the adverse effects of Cyclone Gita.

This transition period:

  1. comes into force at 12.00pm on 23 February 2018, which is the time and date when the state of emergency declared at 7.20pm on 20 February 2018 for Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group is terminated; and
  2. is in force for 28 days.

Signed by: Tim King, Acting Mayor Tasman District Council.

Designation: Person appointed by the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group as a person authorised to give notice of a local transition period.

Time and date of notice: 12.00pm on 23 February 2018.