Instrument Amending Ministerial Directions Under the Housing Restructuring and Tenancy Matters Act 1992
This instrument is made under section 102(2) of the Housing Restructuring and Tenancy Matters Act 1992 (“Act”) by the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Housing, and the Minister for Social Development, after consultation with the Social Housing Agency appointed under section 100 of the Act, the authority appointed under section 159 of the Act, and any social housing providers that, in the Minister’s opinion, will be materially affected.
Act means the Housing Restructuring and Tenancy Matters Act 1992.
income, in relation to a person, means assessable income within the meaning of section 108 of the Act.
income, in relation to a person, means assessable income within the meaning of section 108 of the Act.
Dated at Wellington this 18th day of November 2018.
Hon GRANT ROBERTSON, Minister of Finance.
Hon CARMEL SEPULONI, Minister for Social Development.
Hon PHIL TWYFORD, Minister for Housing and Urban Development (exercising the powers of the Minister of Housing under the authority of the Prime Minister).
This note is not part of the instrument, but is intended to indicate its general effect.
This instrument, which comes into force on the day after that date it was made, amends the Ministerial Directions on Eligibility and Continued Eligibility for Social Housing given under the Housing Restructuring and Tenancy Matters Act 1992. The amendments clarify that references to a person’s income are references to the person’s assessable income as defined in section 108 of the Act.