A corrigendum to this notice was published on 1 March 2018, Notice No. 2018-go1005.

Notice Title

Designation of Te Kao School (1) as a Designated Character School

Publication Date
5 Feb 2018


Education Act Designation as a designated character school Education

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Pursuant to section 154A of the Education Act 1989, I hereby declare that Te Kao School will be a designated character school from 29 January 2019.

The school will operate in accordance with section 156 of the Education Act 1989. The designated character of the school will be recorded as:

“Te Kura o Te Kao will function as a learning centre that embraces Te Aupōuritanga with a unique environment that acknowledges the whole community and encourages active and life-long learning for all.”

Constitution of the Board of Trustees

The constitution of the Board of Trustees of Te Kao School shall not be changed by this notice.

Dated at Wellington this 1st day of February 2018.

KATRINA CASEY, Deputy Secretary, Sector Enablement and Support, Ministry of Education.