Amending a Notice—The Education (Domestic Students) Notice 2013
Pursuant to the Education Act 1989, section 2(1) paragraph (c) of the definition of the term “domestic student”, the Education (Domestic Students) Notice 2013 published in the New Zealand Gazette, 31 January 2013, No. 11, page 383, is amended as follows:
By replacing clause 2(n) with the following paragraph:
“(n) A child who is unlawfully in New Zealand and who holds an unexpired approval from the Ministry of Education confirming that he or she meets all of the following criteria:
(i) At the date of application, the child and the parent or the child and an extended family member have been ordinarily resident and living together in New Zealand continuously for over six months.
(ii) Either the child has not been previously enrolled at a New Zealand registered school or other provider within the meaning of section 238D of the Education Act 1989, or the child’s most recent enrolment was as a domestic student.”
This notice takes effect on the day of publication.
Dated at Wellington this 25th day of July 2018.
MEGAN REID, Group Manager, Service Delivery, Ministry of Education.