Notice Title


Notice to the Science Board

  1. Pursuant to section 8(1) of the Research, Science, and Technology Act 2010, I set the criteria specified in this notice for the assessment by the Science Board of proposals for Partnerships funding.

Policy Objectives

  1. The purpose of the Partnerships Scheme is to invest in research, science, or technology, or related activities that focus on areas of future value, growth or critical need for New Zealand through the establishment of sector-led research partnerships.
  2. It is intended that the Partnerships Scheme will:
    1. facilitate sector-led investment and collaborative effort in longer term research activity;
    2. focus on developing emerging ideas; and
    3. give effect to the Vision Mātauranga policy.


  1. In this notice:
    1. co-funding means a cash contribution from sector partners or other sources, which excludes:
      1. central government funding;
      2. funding from a subsidiary of either a Crown Research Institute or a Tertiary Education Institute which can qualify as co-funding only if the Science Board considers that is appropriate. Funding from a subsidiary that has been created to leverage Partnerships funding will not qualify as co-funding;
      3. levy funding administered by the government, unless the responsible Government Agency agrees that the stated purpose of the levy is consistent with the proposed programme of research; and
      4. funding that has been counted for the purposes of any other government grant scheme.
    2. programme of research means a portfolio of coordinated, coherent, strategic research activities that:
      1. has a common objective or set of objectives; and
      2. is focused on exploring and developing emerging ideas.
    3. sector means users of research, which must be organisations constituted as legal entities.
    4. Vision Mātauranga policy means the government policy which aims to unlock the innovation potential of Māori knowledge, resources, and people for the benefit of New Zealand.
    5. research organisation means an organisation that has internal capability for carrying out research, science, technology, or related activities.

Funding Decisions

  1. The Science Board must make funding decisions on proposals for the Partnerships Scheme in accordance with:
    1. the Public Finance Act 1989 and the relevant appropriation Acts for Vote Business, Science and Innovation;
    2. the eligibility criteria specified in this notice;
    3. the assessment criteria specified in this notice; and
    4. the current Partnerships Investment Planpublished by the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. The following eligibility criteria apply:
    1. Partnerships must include at least:
      1. two sector partners or a sector representative body; and
      2. one research organisation, which may be either a partner in the partnership, or an organisation contracted by the sector partners to undertake the research, science, or technology, or related activities of the partnership.
    2. No programme of research may be for more than two terms of up to seven years each.
    3. The total investment (i.e. government funding plus sector co-funding) per year must be a minimum of $1 million excluding GST.
    4. The partnership must invest a minimum of 60% co-funding of the total cost of the research, science, or technology, or related activities carried out by the partnership over the first term of the Partnerships funding.
    5. Where a partnership is successful in achieving funding for a second term, the partnership must invest a minimum of 70% co-funding of the total cost of the research, science, or technology, or related activities carried out by the partnership over the second term of the Partnerships funding.
    6. The majority of research, science, technology or related activities are to be undertaken in New Zealand, unless the Science Board considers that there are compelling reasons to consider the proposal, despite the amount of research, science, technology or related activities being proposed to be undertaken overseas.
    7. Applicants must:
      1. meet any applicable timing, formatting, system or other similar administrative requirements imposed by MBIE in supplying administrative services to the Science Board under section 10(7) of the Research, Science, and Technology Act 2010; and
      2. advise that, if successful, they will adhere to the terms and conditions of funding set out in an investment contract determined by the Science Board.
    8. Not be made by a department of the public service as listed in Schedule 1 of the State Sector Act 1988.
    9. Not be for research with the primary objective of health outcomes.
    10. The programme of research must address at least one of the investment signals in the Partnerships Investment Plan.

Assessment Criteria

  1. A proposal that has been decided by the Science Board as meeting the eligibility criteria must then be assessed with regard to the extent to which the proposal meets the following criteria:
    1. Excellence (weighted 50%)
      1. Science (weighted 25%). Research should be well-designed, well-planned, and leverage additional value from wider research. Assessment must have particular regard to whether the proposed research, science, technology or related activities:
        • progress and disseminate new knowledge;
        • possess scientific risk, technical risk or innovative approaches;
        • are well-positioned in the domestic and international research context; and
        • have a well-managed research plan and credible approach to risk management.
      2. Team (weighted 25%). The proposed team should have the demonstrated mix of complementary skills, knowledge and resources to deliver the proposed research, science, technology or related activities and to manage risk.
    2. Impact (weighted 50%)
      1. Benefit to New Zealand (weighted 25%). Research should have direct and indirect benefits or effect on individuals, communities or society as a whole, including broad benefits to New Zealand’s economic, social, human or natural capital. Assessment must have particular regard to:
        • the credibility of the need for, scale and extent of potential benefits from the proposed research, science or technology or related activities; and
        • the relevance and additional value they deliver to New Zealand.
      2. Implementation Pathway(s) (weighted 25%). The credibility of implementation pathway(s) to deliver public benefits to New Zealand, not limited to a single firm or end user, and the strength of relationships with relevant end users, beneficiaries, or stakeholders.

Additional Assessment Criteria

  1. When assessing proposals and allocating Partnerships funding, the Science Board must take the following additional criteria into account:
    1. the policy objectives specified in this notice including, where relevant, the Vision Mātauranga policy;
    2. governance and commercial arrangements, which must be well positioned to support the proposed programme of research; and
    3. the investment signals in the current Partnerships Investment Plan.

Revocation of Previous Notices

  1. I hereby revoke the following notice:
    1. Partnerships, published in the New Zealand Gazette, 24 November 2016, Issue No. 108, Notice No. 2016-go6373.

Dated at Wellington this 3rd day of May 2018.

Hon MEGAN WOODS, Minister of Research, Science and Innovation.