Notice Title

Final Determination of Dumping Investigation: Steel Reinforcing Bar and Coil From China and Malaysia

Pursuant to section 13(1) of the Dumping and Countervailing Duties Act 1988, I hereby give notice that I have made a final determination that the subject goods described in the Schedule to this notice:

  1. are not dumped; and
  2. that by reason thereof not causing material injury to the domestic industry.

Therefore anti-dumping duties will not be imposed.


Goods Subject to Determination

Country of Origin

People’s Republic of China, and Malaysia

Description of Goods

Steel reinforcing bar and coil with a diameter equal or greater than 5mm.

Dated at Wellington this 3rd day of March 2018.

Hon KRIS FAAFOI, Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs.

Note: A copy of the non-confidential version of the final report, which contains details of the investigation and the conclusions reached, is available on the website of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment: