Notice Title

Unclaimed Property

Publication Date
30 Aug 2018


Public Trust Act Unclaimed property

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Notice of Election by Public Trust to Become Manager Under Part VII of the Public Trust Act 2001


  1. David Lees (“Owner”) is the registered owner of the Property mentioned in the Schedule hereto.
  2. Public Trust has been informed and believes after due enquiry that the Owner is no longer resident in New Zealand and it is not known where the owner of the Property is or whether or not the owner of the Property is alive or dead.
  3. After due enquiry Public Trust does not know whether the owner of the Property has any agent or administrator in New Zealand with authority to take possession of and administer the Property; or where the agent or administrator is; or whether the agent or administrator is alive or dead.
  4. The gross value of the Property (as estimated by Public Trust) does not exceed $40,000.
  5. Public Trust is satisfied that it is advisable in the interests of another person that Public Trust elects to be the manager of the Property under Part VII of the Public Trust Act 2001.
  6. Public Trust has advertised its intention to elect to be the manager of the Property in the 15th of August 2018 edition of the Otago Daily Times, which is a newspaper circulating in the locality where the Property is situated and believed by Public Trust to be an appropriate advertising medium.

Now therefore Public Trust, in exercise of the authority conferred on it by section 101(1) of the Public Trust Act 2001, hereby elects to be Manager of the Property under Part VII of the Act.


Part Section 424R, Block XI, Oamaru Survey District (“Property”) and being the land contained in Computer Freehold Register OT56/240, Otago Land Registry. The piece of land is located in Enfield, North Otago.

Dated at Lower Hutt this 30th day of August 2018.

Completed on Behalf of Public Trust by an Authorised Signatory:
HAYLEY JADE FURNEAUX, Senior Trust Officer, Public Trust Lower Hutt.