Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2017 and Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004
Pursuant to clause 5.2(1) of the Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2017 and clause 4.4(4) of the Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004 and delegations from the NZ Transport Agency, I, Glenn Bunting, Manager Network Safety, amend the notice subtitled “Rural Intersection Active Warning System Variable Speed Limits – Low Cost Corridor Safety Improvements Programme”, published in the New Zealand Gazette, 22 June 2018, Notice No. 2018-au3033.
In clause 4 Signs, replace paragraph (a) with:
“at least one R1-2.1, Option B, “Variable speed” sign installed above a W11 or W15-1 series intersection warning sign, at the beginning of the variable speed limit on the main road, facing road users on each approach to the intersection; and”
Signed at Wellington this 9th day of November 2018.
GLENN BUNTING, Manager Network Safety, NZ Transport Agency.