An amendment to this notice was published on 20 November 2019, Notice No. 2019-au5345, and a revocation was published on 29 June 2020, Notice No. 2020-au2789.

Notice Type
Authorities/Other Agencies of State
Notice Title

Amending a Notice—Reflective Material Approved for Use on Traffic Signs

Pursuant to subclause 4.4(7) of the Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004 and a delegation from the NZ Transport Agency, I, Glenn Bunting, Manager Network Safety, amend the notice titled Reflective Material Approved for Use on Traffic Signs, published in the New Zealand Gazette, 5 October 2017, Issue No. 102, Notice No. 2017-au5196, by deleting


each time it appears in the column headed Interim approval expiry date in Schedule 2 – Interim approval, and substituting


on each occasion.

Signed at Wellington this 3rd day of August 2018.

GLENN BUNTING, Manager Network Safety.

Explanation: The interim approval for the reflective materials listed in Schedule 2 has been extended for a year and will now expire on 31 January 2020.