Notice Title

Notice to Revoke Designation of Port Security Area

Publication Date
28 Mar 2018


Maritime Security Act Designation of port security areas Maritime New Zealand

Notice Number

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Pursuant to section 45(3)(b) of the Maritime Security Act 2004, I, Keith Manch, Chief Executive and Director of Maritime New Zealand, hereby revoke the designation of the following areas and port facilities as a port security area:

  1. All of that port area of the Buller River Coal Wharf contained within the security fence from the wharf gate to the seaward end of the wharf.
  2. All of that port area of the Floating Basin Wharf contained within the security fence from the main wharf gate to the seaward end of the wharf.
  3. All that port area within the security fence boundary between the two wharves.

This revocation comes into force on the day after the date of notification in the New Zealand Gazette.

Dated this 22nd day of March 2018.

KEITH MANCH, Chief Executive and Director of Maritime New Zealand.