Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with section 241(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993, the sole shareholder of above-named company appointed Peri Micaela Finnigan and Iain McLennan, accredited insolvency practitioners, of Auckland, as joint and several liquidators of the above-named company on 28 September 2018 at 1.45pm.
In accordance with section 243(3) of the Companies Act 1993, a meeting of creditors of the above-named company will accordingly be held in the offices of McDonald Vague Limited, Level 10, 52 Swanson Street, Auckland, on Thursday 8 November 2018 at 11.00am.
Dated this 29th day of October 2018.
PERI M. FINNIGAN, Liquidator.
Enquiries to: Dalwyn Whisken, McDonald Vague Limited, Insolvency Specialists, PO Box 6092, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141. Telephone: (09) 303 0506. Facsimile: (09) 303 0508. Website: www.mvp.co.nz.