SRH ACCOUNTING LIMITED and HEIRA 2013 LIMITED (both in liquidation)
Company Numbers: 6076048, 4405399
We, Elizabeth Helen Keene and Vivian Judith Fatupaito, both of KPMG, were appointed joint and several liquidators of the companies by the High Court of New Zealand at Christchurch on 25 October 2018 at 10.27am.
The liquidators fix 14 January 2019 as the day on or before which the creditors of the companies are to prove their debts or claims and to establish any title they may have priority to, under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before the debts are proved or, as the case may be, from objecting to the distribution.
Dated this 25th day of October 2018.
ELIZABETH HELEN KEENE, Joint and Several Liquidator.
Please Direct Enquiries During Normal Business Hours to: Daniel Smith, c/- KPMG Christchurch, Level 5, 79 Cashel Street, Christchurch 8140. Telephone: (04) 816 4846. Email: