Notice Title

OCTO HOLDINGS LIMITED (in liquidation)

Publication Date
9 Oct 2018


Companies Act Winding up/liquidations

Notice Number

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Notice of Appointment of Liquidators

Pursuant to Section 255(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 (“Act”)

Christine Jane Johnston, chartered accountant, and Craig William Melhuish, chartered accountant and RITANZ accredited insolvency practitioner, both of Nexia New Zealand, were appointed liquidators of the above-named company by order of the High Court at Invercargill on 4 October 2018 at 12.33pm.

Notice to Creditors to Claim

The liquidators fix 4 November 2018 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are able to make their claim and to establish any priority their claims may have, under section 312 of the Act, or be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before their claims are made or, as the case may be, from objecting to any distribution.

Any creditor holding a security interest over the assets of this company should urgently contact the liquidator. Further information and creditor claim forms are available on our website:


Enquiries May be Directed During Normal Business Hours to: Restructuring and Insolvency, Nexia New Zealand, Level 4, 123 Victoria Street (PO Box 4160), Christchurch 8140. Telephone: (03) 379 0829. Email: