Notice Title

Land Declared Road (Cycle Trail)—Parawa, Southland District

Publication Date
19 Oct 2017


Roading Districts Public Works Act Southland

Notice Number


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Pursuant to the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Kavya Shrivastava, Land Information New Zealand:

  1. Pursuant to section 114(1), declares the land described in the First Schedule to this notice to be road (cycle trail) and vested in the Southland District Council.
  2. Pursuant to section 116, declares the portions of road described in the Second Schedule to this notice to be stopped and, pursuant to sections 117 and 120(3), the land firstly and secondly described be amalgamated with the land comprised in Computer Freehold Register SL6B/445 subject to all existing encumbrances, the land thirdly and fourthly described be amalgamated with the land comprised in Computer Freehold Register SL9A/52 subject to all existing encumbrances, and the land fifthly described be amalgamated with the land comprised in Computer Freehold Register 15072 subject to all existing encumbrances.
  3. Pursuant to section 119(1), declares the land described in the Third Schedule to this notice to be taken for severance and, pursuant to section 120(3), the land firstly described be amalgamated with the land comprised in Computer Freehold Register 11102 subject to all existing encumbrances and subject to easement in gross created by Easement Instrument 9997507.1 over the area marked “A” on SO 509732, the land secondly described be amalgamated with the land comprised in Computer Freehold Register 11103 subject to all existing encumbrances, and the land thirdly described be amalgamated with the land comprised in Computer Freehold Register SL9A/52 subject to all existing encumbrances.

Southland Land District—Southland District

First Schedule


0.9266 Sections 5, 8, 12, 13, 16, 19, 21, 25, 33 and 34 SO 509732 (parts of the land comprised in Computer Freehold Register SL9A/52).
0.1964 Sections 6, 10 and 15 SO 509732 (parts of the land comprised in Computer Freehold Register SL9D/239).
0.1413 Section 1 SO 509732 (part of the land comprised in Computer Freehold Register SLB1/218).
0.0065 Section 22 SO 509732 (part of the land comprised in Computer Freehold Register 11102).
0.0779 Sections 30 and 35 SO 509732 (parts of the land comprised in Computer Freehold Register 11103).
0.2017 Sections 20 and 32 SO 509732 (parts of the land comprised in Computer Freehold Register 807003).

Second Schedule


3.7750 Adjoining Part Section 54, Eyre Survey District and Lot 2 DP 405, and more particularly defined as Section 4, SO 509732.
1.6972 Adjoining Sections 29 and 198, Eyre Survey District, and more particularly defined as Section 39, SO 509732.
0.6385 Adjoining Part Section 54 Eyre Survey District and Lot 1 DP 3008, and more particularly defined as Section 3, SO 509732.
0.4695 Adjoining Part Section 43 and Crown Land (closed railway) Eyre Survey District, and more particularly defined as Section 14, SO 509732.
3.8714 Adjoining Parts Section 25 and Closed Railway, Eyre Survey District, and more particularly defined as Section 38, SO 509732.

Third Schedule


0.3809 Sections 23 and 24 SO 509732 (part of the land comprised in Computer Freehold Register SL9A/52).
0.0374 Section 26 SO 509732 (part of the land comprised in Computer Freehold Register SL9A/52).
0.1171 Sections 27 and 31 SO 509732 (part of the land comprised in Computer Freehold Register 11103).

Dated at Wellington this 6th day of October 2017.

K. SHRIVASTAVA, for the Minister for Land Information.

(LINZ CPC/2005/10906)