A corrigendum to this notice was published on 19 January 2018, Notice No. 2018-ln243.

Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Classification and Reclassification of Reserves

Section 24(1)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977 allows the Queenstown Lakes District Council (“council”) to change the classification of a reserve.

Under the provisions of the Reserves Act 1977, the council passed a resolution at its meeting of 28 September 2017 to change the purpose from local purpose (gravel pit) reserve to recreation reserve in respect of the land described in the First Schedule hereto, and from local purpose (gravel) reserve to historic reserve in respect of the land described in the Second Schedule hereto.

Otago Land District—Queenstown Lakes District

First Schedule


1.9905 Section 34 Block VII Lower Hawea Survey District Certificate of Title 312/208 (Otago District).

Second Schedule


0.2079 Lot 5 DP 490602 Certificate of Title 722595.
1.3886 Section 37 Block VII Lower Hawea Survey District, New Zealand Gazette, 10 October 1957, No. 73, page 1783.
1.9728 Section 6 Block VII Lower Hawea Survey District, New Zealand Gazette, 23 September 1954, No. 56, page 1495.

Section 16 of the Reserves Act 1977 allows the Queenstown Lakes District Council (“council”) to classify land belonging to or vested in it, as reserve.

Under the provisions of the Reserves Act 1977, the council passed a resolution at its meeting of 28 September 2017 to classify as historic reserve the land described in the Third Schedule hereto.

Third Schedule


0.6573 Section 1 SO 489559 Certificate of Title 758893.
1.1886 Section 1 SO 489559 Certificate of Title 758893.

Dated at Queenstown this 12th day of October 2017.

PETER HANSBY, General Manager, Property and Infrastructure, Queenstown Lakes District Council.

Publication Date
19 Oct 2017

Notice Number


Page Number


Issue Number