Revocation of a Notice Declaring That Marginal Strip Not Required and Issue of a Fresh Notice
Pursuant to section 50A of the Conservation Act 1987 and by reason of an error made in the notice dated 6 September 2001 and published in the New Zealand Gazette, 27 September 2001, No. 132, page 3399 (declaring the Taupo Control Gates to be exempt from the requirements of section 24 of the Conservation Act 1987), the Minister of Conservation hereby revokes that notice and issues the following notice in its place.
Pursuant to section 24B(4)(b) of the Conservation Act 1987, the Minister of Conservation hereby declares that section 24 of the Act, which deals with the reservation of marginal strips, shall not apply to the disposition of the land in the Schedule hereto to Mercury NZ Limited.
The land is the Taupo Control Gates, and is required in connection with electricity works.
Area |
Description |
14.6021 | Lots 1–7 DP 452177. |
Dated at Wellington this 30th day of May 2017.
Hon MAGGIE BARRY, onzm, Minister of Conservation.