Declaration That Conservation Area is Set Apart as a Reserve and Vested in the Thames–Coromandel District Council
Under the Conservation Act 1987 and pursuant to a delegation from the Minister of Conservation, the Director Operations, Hauraki-Waikato-Taranaki Region, Department of Conservation, declares that the conservation area described in the Schedule below is set apart as a reserve, subject to the Reserves Act 1977, and classified as a local purpose (utility) reserve and, under the Reserves Act 1977, vests the reserve in the Thames-Coromandel District Council.
Area |
Description |
0.0108 | Section 7 SO 488465 (formerly part Part Kauri Block). |
Dated at Hamilton this 3rd day of April 2017.
D. SPEIRS, Director Operations, Hauraki-Waikato-Taranaki Region, Department of Conservation.
(DOC PAA-03-03-03)